With the end of the provincial sessions of China in 2023, the work reports of governments in various local governments have successively announced the list of people's livelihood. Among them, pension services, infant childcare, maternity support policies, and employment have become high -frequency words.

According to China News Agency, after the first 61 years of population in China last year, China has received more attention to encouraging fertility and parenting policies.In terms of reducing the burden of fertility, breeding, and education, many regions in China have proposed to increase the nursery institutions, childcare positions, degrees, etc.

The implementation plan of the people's livelihood project in 2023 Hebei Province formulates goals, and create 300 standardized demonstration support institutions; Shanxi mentioned that each county construction of 80 to 150 trustees in each countyEducation institutions; Beijing in 2023 to run important people's livelihood practical project division of labor projects also mentioned that the supporting kindergarten with conditions to recruit 2 to 3 -year -old children, adding 6,000 new trustees.

Optimize the improvement of fertility support policies in many places.Among them, Sichuan proposes community childcare services to develop centralized management and operation; Ningxia must improve the three -child fertility supporting measures, and try to issue a childcare subsidy system for parenting subsidies.Among the 20 people's hearts in Tianjin, the implementation of active maternity insurance policies.

In terms of compulsory education, China has proposed to build, reform and expand compulsory education schools to increase degrees.For example, Fujian's 2023 Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government mentioned in the private practical projects of the private business that there were 50,000 new compulsory education public schools.In the list of people's livelihood in Zhejiang, it was mentioned that there were 100 newly -held public primary and secondary schools, with 80,000 new degrees.

In terms of elderly care services, the Henan government work report mentioned that the family's families were appropriate to complete 60,000 special difficulties for the elderly; Inner Mongolia also planned 2350 new township pension service centers and village -level pension service stations, rightThe service functions of the 200 rural mutual assistance pension and happiness institutes are expanded and improved.

As graduates of the 2023 National Mainland University are expected to reach 11.58 million, an annual increase of 820,000, which is crucial to stabilize employment and employment.The list of people's livelihood in many places in China also mentioned the implementation of employment priority policies, "putting the employment of young people, especially college graduates in a more prominent position."For example, Hebei proposed the goal of "860,000 new employment in the province", and Shanghai called out the goal of "more than 550,000 new jobs".