The Chinese Spring Festival movie Manjiang Red Filmists posted officials to officially prosecute four Weibo big V, saying that they fabricated false informationAnd spread a lot.The four prosecutions have responded to Big V, and two of them will respond.Not Manchu Hongguan Weili WeChat Micro Saturday (January 29) posted posts, saying " Recently, some users fabricated the false information about the films on the movie through the network platform and spread a lot of transmission, which seriously endangered the legitimate rights and interests of the film.The lawsuit is filed. The Internet is not illegal. Thank you for your support for the film. "

The pictures attached to the post display, Manjiang Red Film Fang /Span> has filed a four lawsuits in the Beijing Internet Court, including the prosecution of Weibo users "Shen Yi" and "Rouge well of Dragon Dragon Slaying Dragon"" Plains Zhao Sheng "and" Meow Sla ".Not Shen Yi responded to the film on Weibo, saying that "the prosecution is right, the response is a legal obligation. Based on facts and the law as the criterion.See the court! "Not Another Weibo user who slaughtered the dragon's Rouge well forwarded Shen Yi Weibo, saying "responding to Teacher Shen Yi", and posted a text "Although the network is not outside the law, it is not a place to abuse rights." Bo Certified as beforeKaneki Mellon University Cognitive Brain Imaging Center Doctoral Researcher.NotSPAN> Weibo users Zhao Sheng and Meow Slas also responded.Not As of the evening of the 28th, the Manchu Hong Kong box office had exceeded 2.9 billion yuan (RMB, about S $ 562 million), and became the leader of the Spring Festival.However, the movie is recently > The Chinese Internet has been accused of public opinion such as "ghost field", "stealing box office", and "plagiarism".Not Manjiang Hong officialOn the 26th, a statement on Weibo stated that the relevant accusations were nonsense and caused harm to the film and the Chinese film industry. The producer is collecting evidence and will safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the film according to law.Not Film officials also posted several Weibo on the 28th, responding to the dispute again, saying that "no need, what is the crime of adding nothing."