The 2023 Chinese college graduates are expected to reach 11.58 million, an increase of 820,000 year -on -year.

According to the China Network, after the first time the scale of college graduates exceeded the 10 million mark in 2022, this year is another employment year of more than 10 million Chinese college graduates.Moreover, this year is expected to have 820,000 more than last year. For the employment market that was originally stressed, the pressure it produced was greater than normal.

In addition, under the impact of the impact of the epidemic, in 2022, there are some graduates who have leaving the school, which also brings a lot of pressure and challenges to the employment market.

Seven departments such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs have jointly carried out "national employment actions" to promote employment, facing key groups such as 2023 ordinary college graduates, 2022 departure graduates, and other key groups.Release employment in concentrated.