The huge Chinese anti-epidemic supplies, the trendThe initially out -of -stock antipyretic drugs and antigen test agents have been replenished one after another, but Paxlovid, Pfizer's oral medication (China, known as Namedovir / Litonovir), which is regarded as "special effect medicine", is still "hard to find a medicine"The price rose, and even became a more popular gift than Maotai under the epidemic.

The British Financial Times reported last week that because Paxlovid is either out of stock in a public hospital or only patients with patients, some officials and entrepreneurs and other elite people buy a large amount of inventory drugs at high prices to protect themselves to protect themselveswith family.

The report quoted the leaders of a Beijing hospital that a lot of medicine was eventually purchased by healthy people and described "PaxLovid is more attractive than Moutai."A Beijing entrepreneur also revealed that he received Paxlovid from two boxes of friends, but he did not intend to leave these drugs, but intends to "be a gift" and give it to those who need this drug.

It is reported that Paxlovid is priced at 8,300 yuan per box (RMB, the same, about S $ 1615) in some high -end private hospitals, and in China's black market transaction, PAXLOVID has been fired to tens of thousandsYuan, or even a "sky price" of up to 50,000 yuan, but still in short supply.

PaxLovid in some high-end private hospitalsThe price is as high as 8,300 yuan per box (the same below, about S $ 1615), and in China's black market transaction, Paxlovid has been fired to 10,000 yuan, or even a maximum of 50,000 yuan, but it is still in short supply.(Reuters archives)

Who is buying Paxlovid?

Who is buying Paxlovid, and who has fried the price so outrageous?This is the question of many people.

China ’s self -media“ Daily Houlns ”reported on December 28, 2022 that most people who bought drugs on various channels and platforms were mostly for the elderly relatives of the family.Among them, some loved ones have infected, but people who recommend medications from the hospital; there are also people who want to plan for elders with basic diseases in their homes in their hometown; there are not even far away, from foreign countriesPeople who bring medicine back to China.

Some people have run many hospitals, some people use a large number of people around them to find the source of drugs, and some people turn to generic drugs and black markets, hoping to use money to buy some peace of mind.The report also pointed out that most people who have the ability to find medicines and accept the prices of thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan are the middle class.

Although Chinese officials and medical experts repeatedly science, Paxlovid is not a real "special effect medicine", nor is it applicable to most patients. HoweverStill buying this drug with the mentality of "one more medicine and one more peace of mind".

In addition to purchasing medicines and hoarding for themselves and family members, some people also buy Paxlovid as a gift at high prices.On social media Weibo, some "pharmaceutical vendors" made a promotion of "I hope you can hold this (special effect medicine) gift for the New Year".Some netizens applied to the once popular health product advertisements, and "not receiving gifts this year, only accepting Paxlovid", ironic Paxlovid became a "gift gift".

On Weibo, a promotion of "I hope you can hold this (Paxlovid Special Effects) for the New Year".(Weibo interception)

Some people are praying for Paxlovid to save their loved ones, and some people are using it to be a gift.Under the tsunami of the epidemic, the prescription drugs become the lubricant and the carrier of the exchange between interpersonal relationships in the special class, which is a bit absurd.In the face of the epidemic, the difference between ordinary people and elites is only on this box of medicine?

When the necessity becomes a luxury

This is reminiscent of the phenomenon of luxury brands scrambling to order and send food for customers during the early 2022 period of 2022.

At that time, in Shanghai at the time, because the material guarantee was not made in place, fresh vegetables and ingredients became scarce products, let alone the hot takeaway meal or exquisite afternoon tea.

So, the slightly magical scene appeared: fresh fruits and vegetables were covered with exquisite packaging with brand logo, dishes and pastries were installed in the brand -name packaging box.… And those who received these ingredients and foods were also happy to show photos on the circle of friends and Weibo accounts that were full of brand bags and exquisite life in the past.

The phenomenon of luxury brands scrambled to order and deliver food for customers.The picture shows the vegetables provided by Gucci for customers.(Internet)
Shanghai seal in early 2022During the city, a luxury brand rushed to order and deliver food for customers.The picture shows the afternoon tea meal provided by Louis Vuitton (LV) for customers.(Internet)

Someone teases that everyone is equal in front of the epidemic, and rich people will also be happy to receive vegetables, but more people see the class differences under the epidemic: surfaceFor the same sealing city, I desperately grab the vegetables at zero, but you are drinking afternoon tea leisurely.

Everyone is equal in front of the epidemic?

Whether it is presented by luxury merchants, or Paxlovid's news that has become a gift for gifts, it has attracted netizens' criticism of "squeezing resources" of special groups, and "why not eat meat".

In addition to those who "squeeze resources in the country" in the mouth of the netizens, there are some people with resources and economic conditions "moist" to avoid the epidemic.For example, as of the end of September 2022, the Chinese people spent 100,000 to hundreds of thousands of yuan in fiscal year for fiscal year in FY2022, which reached more than 3,100 Chinese people, which was more than 1,000 than the previous fiscal year.People are nearly twice higher.Some agents directly played "Do you know? During the COVID-19 epidemic, you can use the Thai elite visa to go to Thailand".

The land "Do you know? During the COVID-19 epidemic, you can use the Thai elite visa to go to Thailand"Advertising words are hoped to leave the Chinese during the epidemic.(Screenshot of the institutional webpage)

Faced with the epidemic, the elite class is not without fear, otherwise there will be no drug delivery, "moisturizing" abroad.But in the face of the epidemic, everyone is not equal.Compared with the vast majority of ordinary people, the elites have more resources, have better conditions, and have more choices, and they can cope with the epidemic more calmly.

This calmness is in stark contrast to the anxiety of ordinary people and panic, so that the elites who collect expensive drugs and gifts in the city are particularly dazzling.Facing the panic caused by rapid epidemic prevention and a large number of infections, ordinary people who cannot cope with it still account for the vast majority. They have no resources and privileges, and they must rely on a more reasonable system and more fair resource allocation to relieve the epidemic situation.Panic and helplessness.