Sources revealed that China's decision -making layer plans to increase support, helping a group of developers who are regarded as systemic importance to survive the liquidity crisis to avoid the industry's overall risk of hard landing.

According to Bloomberg, insiders who are unwilling to be named, the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council in charge of the Securities Industry and Banking Regulatory Institutions last week, on the support plan for high -quality housing companies' balance sheets, hurriedly implemented specific measures to implement specific measuresEssenceThe definition standards of high -quality housing companies include a major bad records that have no reservation opinions on financial reports for three consecutive years of financial reports, and no major records of disclosure market defaults, and housing companies that belong to "system importance".

People familiar with the matter said that regulators and financial institutions can formulate a new list of new high -quality real estate companies in accordance with regulatory guidelines and their own compliance requirements.From the perspective of past experience, developers entering the support list are expected to support support in debt and equity financing.The chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Yihui, has provided support for the equity financing of the equity financing of reasonable bond financing, mergers and acquisitions, and supporting financing, and a certain proportion of enterprises involving housing.

The latest plan above highlights the transformation of the policy position in the real estate policy under the low and severe capital pressure of the Chinese property market.China's financial regulatory authorities have introduced a series of policy support including 16 financial measures since November.Liu He, deputy prime minister of the State Council, also publicly stated last month that the real estate industry is the pillar of the Chinese economy. It is considering new measures to work hard to improve the industry's assets and liabilities and guide market expectations and confidence to recover.

According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, there are more than 100 listed real estate developers with a market value of at least 1 billion US dollars (S $ 1.342 billion) in China.Opinion.People familiar with the matter said that the regulatory authorities generally do not publicly disclose the specific list of high -quality developers.

Although the property market support measures have been introduced densely in recent months, the actual effect of the current policy is very small.China's housing sales continued to decline in December, highlighting the challenges that the epidemic was reversed by the downturn in the real estate market.Taking the price of new housing as an example, the data of the middle finger house shows that the price of new commercial housing in 100 cities across the country in 2022 was the first year since 2015.

China has implemented three red lines since 2021 and established a centralized management system for real estate loans in the banking industry.Many large real estate companies, including Evergrande and Sunac, have exploded.