Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Qingyang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, and Daxing District, Beijing, are advocating the ranks of courier brothers and takeaway brothers to supplement the lack of capacity.

According to the surging news report, the Kaifeng City Commercial Bureau of Henan introduced "the current affected by the current epidemic on Friday (December 16), which has weakened to varying degrees in the urban area, and the pressure of order distribution is increasing.Condition".The local business bureau said that because of the lack of capacity of riding, the pressure of takeaway delivery is increasing. Therefore, in the case of individuals and families, under the condition of ensuring your health, if you have not yet arrived at the job or have leisure time,You can choose to join the ranks of the takeaway rider, and send a warmth to millions of households in Kaifeng City in this special period.

The WeChat public account of the Employment Service Administration of Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan issued the same day, which is currently affected by the epidemic. Some takeaway companies in the district have weakened capacity to varying degrees, and the pressure of order distribution.Due to the epidemic, some of the takeaway brothers cannot work for the time being.Now, "Let's stand out. Now facing the whole society, recruit takeaway brothers."

Qingyang District Employment Service Administration prompts that I and the same residents have no fever and sore throat within 7 days.Antigen or nucleic acid testing is positive.In addition, you need to bring your own electric vehicle and helmet.

Beijing Daxing also issued an initiative to participate in the courier transfer volunteer service nearby.According to the news of the WeChat public account of the Communist Youth League of Daxing District on December 14, at present, the pressure such as express delivery and distribution, and the supplies required by many people's daily life are accumulated.Prepare the necessary work guarantee for everyone, and docking a relatively safe and less stressful volunteer service position. I hope that everyone will be connected with the nearest outlets under the condition of ensuring their health.Intersection

Beijing Shunyi District also released news on December 15th, saying that it is now facing the whole society, recruiting courier brothers and takeaway brothers to effectively solve the current nodes of nodes and blocking points of delivery takeaway personnel, slow delivery speed, etc.The problem helps to prevent and control the epidemic in the region.

Introduction to Shunyi, the express delivery site volunteer's delivery site before the cargo arrives in the community to help carry out cargo sorting and loading work;Transport the goods to the distribution area; community service volunteers will not contact the courier rack in the community to carry out the volunteer service work such as elimination, temporary care, and guidance assistance to quickly orderly pickup, and the door of the door.If you really need to send your door, you can assist in delivery.Volunteer information is uniformly entered into the "Volunteer Beijing" platform, recording volunteer service duration, providing corresponding volunteer service certificates and necessary material guarantees such as masks, disinfection, cold protection and warmth, and publicity and reporting on outstanding volunteer deeds.