The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is held in Beijing. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to better coordinate the prevention and control and social development of the epidemic, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, and vigorously boost market information.Price work.

According to China CCTV, the annual CPC Central Committee Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing on Thursday to Friday (December 15th to 16th).This is the highest -level economic situation analysis and decision -making meeting in China.

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, attended the meeting and summarized the economic work in 2022, analyzed the current economic situation, and deployed the economic work of 2023. Prime Minister Li Keqiang made deployment of the economic work next year.Summary speech.

The two -day closed -door meeting was judged. The current foundation of China's economic recovery is not solid, and the triple pressure of "demand shrinkage, supply shock, and expected weakness" is faced.Come deeper influence.However, the meeting also emphasized that China's economic toughness, great potential, and dynamic are sufficient, and we must strengthen their confidence in economic work.

The meeting proposed that China ’s economy next year must seek progress steadily. While maintaining the necessary fiscal expenditure intensity, it effectively supports high -quality development, maintains fiscal sustainable and controlled local government debt risks, and as well asMaintain the currency liquidity reasonable and abundant, and guide financial institutions to increase support for scientific and technological innovation and green development in small and micro -enterprises.

According to the deployment of the meeting, then China should increase its efforts to attract and use foreign capital, and actively promote the addition of high -standard economic and trade agreements such as comprehensive and progressive cross -Pacific partnership agreements and digital economy partnership agreements, and actively compareRelevant rules and regulatory management standards, deepen the reform of relevant domestic fields, and provide the greatest extent for foreign businessmen to engage in trade and investment negotiations in China.

In response to the "two unwavering" in the society, the meeting emphasized that the reform of state -owned enterprises should be deepened, the core competitiveness of state -owned enterprises should be improved, and the governance of modern state -owned enterprises with Chinese characteristics is improved.From the implementation of systems and laws to implement the requirements of the equal treatment of state -owned enterprises and enterprises, encourage and support the development and growth of private economy and private enterprises in terms of policies and public opinion, and protect private enterprise property rights and entrepreneurial rights in accordance with the law.

"Two unwavering" is Xi Jinping's instructions made by the development of the private economy, that is, "unwavering to consolidate and develop the public ownership economy", and "unwavering encouragement, support, guidance, guidance, guidance, and guidanceNon -public ownership economic development.

The meeting also proposed that China should increase domestic demand, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, prevent and resolve major economic and financial risks, and continue to promote economic and social development green transformation.