With the significant relaxation of coronary controlling measures in China, infected cases have surged, which has led to pressure in many local hospitals.Recently, the increase in the number of emergency hotlines of many first -aid in China across the country has prompted the emergency centers of various places to call on those with asymptomatic infections of crown diseases and mild patients.

According to the surging news report, Henan Henan Hebi 120 First Aid Center reported on Thursday (December 15) that the average of more than 400 calls for the public in the local 120 command and dispatch hallThe diagnosis, the average acceptance duration, the duration of the rescue execution task, and the elimination duration are more than double the usual.

The first aid center said that the main reason for this situation In addition to the high incidence of basic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular in the winter, the 120 emergency hotline also received asymptomatic infected people and mild patients.Symptoms, these non -emergency calls occupy emergency resources."The significant increase in the number of 120 calls has caused some times in some areas of our city to be tightly assigned ambulance vehicles."Patients with inconvenience or severe critical illnesses ensure that the 120 life channel is always efficient and smooth.

Sources said that due to the recent weather and epidemic affairs, the number of 120 emergency telephones in the Haixin District emergency division center has recently increased.From January to October this year, there were 177 average police calls daily. The number of alarms on December 14 reached 379 times, an increase of 151%over the same period last year.

In addition, in recent days in Mianyang City and Luzhou City, Sichuan have also notified the surge in 120 emergency telephone, which led to the call for 120 patients to ask for help.It is necessary not to squeeze medical resources.