With the relaxation of the epidemic control in China, the population flow and return of the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival will make people worry that the severe epidemic of big cities will spread quickly to rural areas.The State Council of China was ordered to strengthen the prevention and control of rural epidemic on Friday (December 16) to ensure sufficient medical resources and manpower, and better grasp the information of people returning to the country.

According to the official website of the National Health and Health Commission of China, the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism issued a plan to strengthen the prevention and control and health service solution of the new crown pneumonia in rural areas on Friday to ensure that the people returned to the countryside and the rural residents in the epidemic situation of population flow during the festivalResidents can get basic medical services in rural medical and health institutions in time.


Plan clearly indicates that all localities should increase the supplies of coronary drugs and antigen testing pads in rural areas. The township and village clinics should ensure that the service population should be reserved at 15%to 20%of the service population.In terms of the configuration of medical staff, rural medical institutions can dispatch doctors through higher -level hospitals, recruit retired medical staff, and increase employees in the past five years.


Plan also mentioned that the township government and the village committee should master the information of the returnees, prompting a good health monitoring, and regulating wearing masks in the early days of returning to reducing contact with those who have basic diseases, especially those with basic diseases, accelerate the rural areasCrusade, especially the elderly vaccination, etc.

The Spring Festival of the Chinese Lunar New Year is often described as "the largest population migration on the earth"; but since the outbreak of the crown disease in 2020, the Chinese government has advocated "New Year's Eve" and reducing virus spread.

With the relaxation of control measures in China, people in various places no longer require personnel to flow across regions to provide nucleic acid proof and land detection and isolation, and the population flow is not limited.The release of the plan also means that the official is likely to no longer advocate "the New Year on the spot."

"New Year's New Year" and "Going Home for New Year" have also become a hot topic for Chinese netizens.Many netizens are struggling with the New Year returning to the New Year, and lament that they can finally meet with family members who have been away from three years, but they are also worried that they will bring the virus home to the family.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, pointed out in a visit to Lianhe Zaobao that when the number of infections across the mainland increased, the official did not interfere with the population flow in the plan, which reflected that the Chinese government has continued in recent weeks.Promote the trend of comprehensive opening up.He said that the official has also adopted a one -piece policy on rural areas to allow people to flow freely, emphasizing that the public must be responsible for their own health.

Earlier, it was speculated that China would experience the peak of infection of Hong Kong earlier this year after liberalization of the epidemic control, and according to the scale of China's population, 200 million people may be infected and 1 million to 2 million people died.The Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhong Nanshan, rejected the inference on a speech on Thursday (15th), and pointed out that the vaccination rate in Hong Kong at that time was far lower than the current situation in mainland China. This situation would not occur.

Nevertheless, Tang Renwu predicts that the population flow will undoubtedly increase the number of infections, and the number of deaths will increase.He said: "Some basic diseases, the mortality rate of the elderly will increase. This is inevitable."