The number of Chinese crown diseases has skyrocketed. For how to judge whether it has recovered after infection, some Chinese experts believe that if the results of the antigen test for three consecutive days are negative, it can be considered not to be contagious.

According to the Beijing Daily client report, Li Yan, chief physician of the Infectious General Science Department of Beijing Youan Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, gave two criteria for judging whether it has been recovered on Friday (December 16).Whether your own symptoms are reduced, and whether the test results turn overcast.If the body temperature of mild patients is more than three days and the respiratory symptoms improve, it means that the body is recovered; if the normal type or the condition is heavier, the chest CT needs to be reviewed.

Second, in terms of detection, if nucleic acid testing can be performed, the results of the two nucleic acids are negative and the interval can be considered as not infectious.If antigen detection is negative, it can also be considered as negative.

Li Yan has reminded that within one or two weeks after the rehabilitation, the recovery may still be easy to feel fatigue. In daily work and some physical activities, you must follow the step by step, do not overwork, otherwise you will be overworked, otherwise you will be too tired, otherwise you will be too tired.Make your body slower.