When the outbreak of the crown disease epidemic, when the peak of the epidemic comes, it has attracted attention. Many provinces predict the peak time and make corresponding deployment of prevention and control measures.

According to the WeChat public account "Zhengzhi" report, Zeng Guang, former chief scientist of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center, once Friday (December 16) at the 2023 Global Times Annual Meeting Life Health Sub -Forum.Now the epidemic has risen sharply, and the rise is very fast, and it is even unexpected by public health experts.

Liang Wannian, the leader of the Expert Group of the National Health and Health Commission's epidemic situation, and Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, have recently made a judgment on the peak of infection. In summary, experts generally believe that the epidemic may be in more than a month in more than a month.Left and right reaches the peak of infection.

Liang Wannian said that according to the law of infectious diseases, five stages: introduction, diffusion, rise, peak, and decline must be experienced.Now in many cities, Omikon's infection has entered a rising period, but some cities are still spreading.The peak reached the peak in the specific month, and different cities need to distinguish.

Zeng Guang further pointed out that the current characteristics are that the north is more serious. The epidemic infection in the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei region is similar, but from north to south, from large cities to small and medium -sized cities, from the east to the west, there is a spread of a spreading one.process.

Public reports show that many provinces have given predictions on the peak time of the epidemic in the region.

The Jinan Times reported on the 15th that Dong Liang, the leader of the medical treatment expert group of the Shandong Province Epidemic Disposal Headquarters, said in an interview that the first wave of Shandong Province will be slightly extended than other regions. It is expected that it should be expected to beIn January next year, the rural epidemic peak will be relatively late.

The leader of the Jiangxi Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, the leader of the medical treatment group, and Gong Jianping, the party secretary of the Nanchang Medical College, introduced at the press conference on the 15th. According to expert analysis and judgment, the next wave of epidemic in Jiangxi will be inAt the end of December this year and early January next year, it reached its peak before and after the Spring Festival.

The Zhejiang Epidemic Prevention and Control Conference also pointed out on the 15th that according to expert research and judgment, there will be a wave of epidemic peaks in the next period of time, and Zhejiang is no exception.

According to Elephant News reported on the 16th, online surveys and predictions, the first wave of threshold in the infection of Zhengzhou in Henan was on December 15th, the second wave of threshold was on December 20, and the peak time was in the peak time.January 15.

Experts believe that online data has a certain reference value.However, the Zhengzhou epidemic is still in the development period, and it has not reached the peak of the first wave of epidemic.

While predicting the peak time, many provinces are also deploying prevention and control measures.Among them, medical treatment is the key point, and there are also clear time requirements for hot kidney settings, bed preparation, etc. in many places.

Gong Jianping, the leader of the Jiangxi Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters and the leader of the medical treatment group, said that the command system at all levels of the province in Jiangxi has entered an emergency state, and the special class of medical treatment work has been established to establish epidemic monitoring and early warning and early warning and early warning and early warningTrend simulation system, timely predict the dissemination of the epidemic dissemination, flexibly reflect the corresponding medical load, and strive for the initiative to prevent and control.

Jiangxi Province requires that all medical institutions above the second level or above before December 20 shall set up a hot teller, all grass -roots medical and health institutions shall set up an heated clinic and announce the address and contact number to the society; each before December 31st, each before December 31The medical resources of the item are in place to ensure that infected people with a high risk of severe illness can be treated in a timely manner.

Dong Liang, the leader of the medical treatment expert group of the Shandong Provincial Epidemic Disposal Headquarters, said that all medical institutions may be prepared for patients with crown diseases.Can be completed.

In addition, some square cabin functions have been transformed into Adex Point Hospital, which can be used to treat patients with ordinary and heavy crown diseases.

Zhejiang requires that medical institutions in the province should be set up, and they should be opened.10,000; the province's three -level comprehensive hospitals and Chinese medicine hospitals have a comprehensive ICU bed of no less than 4%of the total number of total beds, and the number of ICU beds can be transformed at no less than 4%of the total number of total beds, which can meet the needs of intensive treatment to the greatest extent.

Henan medical system is already a first -level preparation state.From now to the end of March next year, Henan Province's health and health systems have canceled the holidays. The dean of the medical institution in charge of medical treatment and the medical department will be on duty at the job for 24 hours.

The grass -roots medical and health institutions have established accounts for high -risk people.The family doctors' team should sign a card to set up a file for family doctors such as children aged 0-6, maternal mothers, elderly people over 65 years old, and patients with basic diseases.This work is basically completed before December 20.