The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that it is important for such a large economy in China to maintain stable economic operation.Next year, we must adhere to the stability of the characters, seek progress in stability, increase the regulation of macro policies, strengthen the coordination and cooperation of various policies, and form a joint force to promote high -quality development.

When the Chinese economy is facing unprecedented pressure, the annual Central Committee of the Communist Party of China The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China promises to increase the regulation of macro policies, put restoration and expansion of consumption in priority, and strengthen support for private economic operations to promote economic operationThe overall improvement.

The highest -level meeting of the economic situation next year's economic situation and policy adjustment will be held in Beijing for two days this Thursday and Friday (December 15th to 16th).Although the meeting did not postpone the heating of the Beijing crown disease, the meeting was shortened by one day than last year.

The meeting believes that the current foundation of China's economic recovery is not solid, demand shrinkage, supply impact expectations, and three pressures are still large; the external environment is turbulent and the impact on the economy has deepened.

The impact of factors such as epidemic prevention and controlling and weak property markets. Analysts generally expect that China's economic growth this year is only about 3 %, which is far lower than about 5.5 %.With China's sharp relaxation of epidemic prevention control, several recent experts believe that officials will set the target of economic growth next year at about 5 %.The formulation of economic growth goals is one of the agenda of this closed -door meeting, but the specific figures will not be announced until the national "two sessions" (the National People's Congress and the CPPCC) in March next year.

The meeting emphasized that for such a large economy in China, it is essential to maintain the stable economic operation.Next year, we must adhere to the stability of the characters, seek progress in stability, increase the regulation of macro policies, strengthen the coordination and cooperation of various policies, and form a joint force to promote high -quality development.

The decision -making level requires the fiscal policy to "improve the efficiency", maintain the intensity of the necessary fiscal expenditure, and support the development of financial sustainability and controlling local government debt risks while supporting the development.Monetary policy must be "precise and powerful" to maintain reasonable liquidity.

Wang Jun, director of the China Chief Economist Forum, was judged during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. The above statements show that the official will introduce a certain scale of stimulus policies.The fiscal policy will be further expanded, but the intensity is relatively mild. It does not engage in "large water perfusion", and the monetary policy remains loose, but the relaxation space is limited.

Meeting requires starting from improving social psychological expectations and boosting confidence in development, focusing on expanding domestic demand, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system, and effectively implementing two unshakables (unwavering to consolidate and develop the public ownership economy without shaking, unwaveringEncourage, support, and guide the development of non -public ownership), attract and use foreign capital greater efforts, and effectively prevent and resolve major economic and financial risks.Compared with a year ago, many expressions of the Central Economic Conference this year have changed significantly.

Optimize adjustment of the stable and stable social order

In terms of epidemic prevention, this year's meeting will no longer mention "external prevention input and internal prevention". It is renamed to optimize the adjustment of epidemic prevention policies, successfully spend the epidemic period, and ensure stable transformation and social order.

The long -term goals such as "common prosperity" and "carbon peak carbon neutralization" discussed in the meeting last year have not been mentioned this year."Green transformation" reflects that high -level attention will be concerned, and from long -term development to short -term stability.

The biggest change is the attitude towards private enterprises.When the official punching the Internet and teaching and training industries last year, the meeting emphasized that it was necessary to "prevent capital growth."However, this year's meeting stated that it is necessary to encourage the support of the private economy and private enterprises, protect the property rights and entrepreneurial rights and interests of private enterprises in accordance with the law, and lead leading cadres at all levels to do practical problems for private enterprises, and support platform companies to "lead the development and create employmentIn international competition, "showing his skills."

Wang Jun observed that at least five of the meeting minutes of the meeting supported private enterprises, which was a review and reflection on previous industrial policies, indicating that officials expect private enterprises to play a more important role in promoting economic growth next year.

For the continuously weakened real estate market, while the meeting emphasized that it is necessary to ensure the steady development of the property market and prevent the risk of high -quality head -up housing companies, it still reiterates that "housing does not stir -fry", indicating that it will not go back to the policy because the property market will not follow the policy market.Essence

In addition, the meeting has repeatedly mentioned deepening reforms in various fields, and proposed to "plan a new round of comprehensive deepening reforms."Wang Jun believes that this is to laid a foreshadowing for the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China next year, indicating that the meeting will be based on the theme of reform.