Chinese economists, Guan Qingyou, Dean of the Institute of Finance, believes that China's economic growth target in 2023 is about 5%.

According to Sina Finance reports, Guan Qingyou said at a new growth conference held at Harvard Business Review on Friday (16th) that China's economic growth goal in 2023 is about 5%.The specific rhythm may be stressful in the first half of next year, and economic growth in the second half of the year will gradually enter the right track.

He said: "The epidemic situation in the past three years and the changes in the international and domestic situation have made us understand that economic growth is crucial, not optional."

Guan Qingyou emphasized: "Many companies have disappeared, and many companies have struggled hard on the survival line. At least in the next half of the year, everyone should not fall before dawn. The changes in these years have reminded us that development is the first priority.For the Chinese people, for the Chinese, it is essential for the global economy. "

Guan Qingyou also said that it is necessary to reshape the consensus of social order and reshape the normal social order.Everyone is important, and everyone must cherish it very much.