With the prevention and control measures of China's loosening epidemic, North Korea is worried that the epidemic flows in and is actively raising the drugs to cope with the crown disease.

Yonhap News Agency quoted China Sunday (December 11) news reports that a DPRK traders in Dandong Dandong, a DPRK -China Trade base, stated that since China last Wednesday (7th), it has greatly optimized epidemic prevention prevention from epidemic prevention.Measures, North Korea hopes to buy crown disease drugs. In addition to antipyretic drugs and antibiotics, the DPRK also hopes to buy crown disease treatment drugs.

A trader in Shenyang introduced that the original rice and edible oil were the most purchased items in North Korea, but recently have increased orders such as antipyretics and painkillers.There are also many orders for the treatment of crown disease treatment drugs, which are provided to North Korean high -level figures.

In addition, a source said that the North Korean cargo trains may be suspended again, because North Korea is worried that China will relax the prevention and control of epidemic prevention and control, which will allow the epidemic to quickly flow into the country.

The source said that before and after the increase of the migrants, if the confirmed cases in China have surged, the train operations may be stopped, and the Korean traders have received instructions.Essence

The North Korean -Chinese cargo trains in Dandong and Xinyi Prefecture were suspended in August 2020 and restarted in January this year. It was shut down again after Dandong's sealing city in April, and then resumed operations in September this year.