China and New Zealand leaders met for the first time on Friday (November 18) for their first face -to -face meetings in three years. The two sides agreed to closely cooperate and communicate in the Pacific project.Chinese officials said that China ’s starting point for the Pacific Island policy has always been to seek peace and promote development cooperation; New Zealand Prime Minister Adon pointed out that international rules that benefit the two countries are being tested.

Scholars of interviewees believe that this is part of the efforts made by China's re -adjustment at the Xi -Missing meeting with the Pacific State Relations, and New Zealand will continue to pursue independent foreign policies to try to seek from Western allies and China, economic and security issuesbalance.

Chinese officials and Adon, which are currently attending the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) Economic Leadership Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, hold bilateral talks at the peak venue for 50 minutes.This is the first face -to -face meeting since the two of them since 2019.

Xinhua News Agency reported that in the meeting, Chinese officials have repeatedly stated that New Zealand has insisted on independent foreign policies and expressed high appreciation with China in cooperation with China.He said that the social system, development stage, and historical culture of the two countries are different. There are differences in some issues, but the differences should not affect bilateral relations.

The New Zealand Media Stuff and Pioneers reported that Adene also agreed with different systems and worldviews of the two countries in the opening white.She said: "We will continue to deal with our differences in a uniform and predictable way."

The 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year this year.Chinese officials say that the relationship between the two countries has developed steadily during this period and will continue to promote comprehensive strategic partnership.China is the largest trading partner in New Zealand, accounting for about 30%of New Zealand exports.

New Zealand has a close relationship with Western countries for a long time, and is a member of the "Five Eyes Alliance" in the United States, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand.In the past few years, New Zealand has chosen not to have criticized China on issues such as the Hong Kong National Security Law and Xinjiang Human Rights, and has been accused of being too mild to China.After China signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands this year, New Zealand's statement of China's growing influence in the Pacific region became tougher.

When it comes to China's policy of the Pacific Island country, Chinese officials have stated that China's starting point has always been to seek peace, seek development, and promote cooperation.He said: "Peace is the most persistent pursuit of China. There is no in Chinese history, no, no, and in the future, will not seek hegemony."

Adon said that both China and New Zealand have benefited from a stable and secure region, and international law and specifications have also provided a good environment for the region, "but they are being tested now."

Qiu Jixiang, an associate professor of the Department of Political Sciences at the School of Social Sciences at the University of Otoco University in New Zealand, pointed out that the security agreement between China and the Roman Islands has caused hidden safety hazards to New Zealand, but New Zealand must also maintain good relationships with China at the same time.Balance safety.

Qiu Jixiang said that the entire Asia -Pacific region is facing the same problem, and New Zealand realizes that the Asianan has contradictions in the South China Sea, and it will inevitably not want the same problem to appear in the Pacific Island country.

As for how New Zealand should balance the relationship with China and the Five -Eye Alliance countries, Qiu Jixiang pointed out that all allies have close economic and trade exchanges with China, and they can actually understand New Zealand's concerns.Moreover, New Zealand, as a sovereign country, must start diplomacy in a form of national interests.

He Zien, assistant professor of the Rajernan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, believes that New Zealand hopes to be regarded as independent and non -partial countries.He said that the Five Eye Alliance is mainly an intelligence sharing network. As long as New Zealand does not share intelligence with the Chinese, they can freely cooperate with China according to national interests.