Li Xianlong said that geopolitical tension, inflation, and supply chain are disturbing new risks, and low -income families and small and medium -sized enterprises will be the first.Therefore, the APEC economy must work together to promote sustainable and inclusive growth.

The crown disease epidemic highlights that no economy can be completely self -sufficient. The Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) must continue to promote free and open trade. At the same timeEssence

The new Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (November 18) at the APEC Economic Leadership Meeting held at Bangkok, Thailand on the first day of the informal meeting of the APEC Economic Leadership Meeting, put forward the above views.

He said that geopolitical tensions, inflation, and supply chain are disturbed by new risks, and low -income families and SMEs will be the first.Therefore, the APEC economy must work together to promote sustainable and inclusive growth.

The theme of this meeting is to seek balanced, inclusive and sustainable growth.Li Xianlong pointed out that promoting freedom and open trade circulation is the most important reason for the existence of APEC.He understands that the economy's willingness to produce onshore has increased, but the experience of the crown disease epidemic shows that no economy has any hope to be completely self -sufficient.

Li Xianlong said: We must cooperate together to improve the toughness and openness of the global supply chain.I call on the APEC economy to solve the bottleneck of supply chain and create an environment that supports the efficiency, connecting and certainty of the supply chain, and cooperate with the private field in terms of science and technology and establishment skills.

In this regard, Singapore will continue to promote the APEC supply chain connection framework action plan to promote the smooth operation of regional logistics and transportation networks.

He also believes that the epidemic has accelerated the digital process, but international rules lag behind the pace of development.APEC can lead the development of this area by formulating digital rules and promoting cross -border digital circulation.

Li Xianlong said that the economies must ensure that all classes of society are involved and benefited from economic growth.In this regard, Singapore is assisting local SMEs to promote digital transformation, such as providing channels to assign researchers to small and medium -sized enterprises to strengthen their innovative ability.We have also stepped up to let the people master the skills and knowledge of the future economy, including employees who help the technology industry by improving the project.

Bayu: Beyond the epidemic recovery to ensure that growth is more tolerant and sustainable

He believes that through collective leadership methods, APEC can play an important role and achieve a balanced, inclusive and sustainable growth for the economy.

The APEC economy leader meets face -to -face after four years. How to move towards the economic recovery in the era of the post -crown disease epidemic in the era of crown disease is one of their focus.

In the opening speech, the Prime Minister of Thailand said: The vision of APEC must surpass the recovery from the epidemic, further look at the vitality of the environment, improve the toughness and ensure that the growth is more tolerant and sustainable.

Each leader exchanges the biological MDASH; the cycle MDASH; the Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model (BCG Economic Model) exchange opinions, and also discusses how to put the Putrajaya Vision 2040 (PUTRAJAYA VISION 2040) and Ultra Rowa Action.The direction set by the Aotearoa Plan of Action is transformed into practical actions to open up sustainable growth paths for the people and the future generations.

As the host of this APEC conference, Thailand took the lead in promoting the BCG economic model and the formulation of Bangkok's goals, and promoting the APEC's sustainable issues, hoping to become the result of the indicator significance of this meeting.

This comprehensive framework sets four goals, namely, cope with climate change, promotes sustainable trade and investment, promotes sustainable resource management, protects the environment and biological diversity, and improves the efficiency and sustainable waste management.

Thailand hopes that 21 APEC member economies will support documents on Bangkok's targets on Saturday (November 18).

The APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting has conducted two days since Friday.In addition to attending the meeting, Li Xianlong also met with the new Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachang and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed yesterday on the sidelines to reiterate the cooperative relationship between Singapore and Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia.