
Jingqiang Xinyun

Yang Danxu

[email protected]

Back to Singapore from Beijing, the international flight departure area of the Capital Airport is deserted.Because there are few passengers, the people around them can hear the dialogue with the customs personnel when they leave the customs.

Customs officers carefully asked a Chinese passenger why he went to Singapore and when did he plan to return to China?The man took out his visa and returned tickets and answered them one by one.After the stamp was completed, the customs officer reminded: I heard that the epidemic there was serious and protect himself.

From the clinical hall to the shuttle car of the apron, two Chinese passengers discussed the epidemic.A aunt who had been abroad for the first time in three years said that if she had to take care of her grandchildren, she did not want to take risks to go abroad; another aunt comforted her. The whole family in Singapore had been infected with crown disease, which was similar to the cold and cold.Essence

For three years of outbreak, most Chinese people's impression of crown disease is actually a bit blurred. Is it a flood beast or a large influenza, should it be nervous or indifferent?On the one hand, the virus is constantly mutating, and people cannot see it clearly; on the other hand, the official has long adopted a zero -zero policy, and most Chinese people have been protected, far from the crown disease.

On the 11th of this month, China issued 20 measures to optimize epidemic prevention policies to take an important step in loosening prevention of epidemic prevention.This news made the outside world see the hope of integrating the world as soon as possible, and the market that was sluggish due to weak economy was also inspiring.However, China's recent epidemic has continued to rebound. At this time, the official release of the relaxation signal, making the people's attitude towards 20 items complicated.

In the past week, social media is full of fierce debates on the direction of epidemic prevention.The open school that had been suppressed before found the mouth of the sound, but the concerns of the strict control of the school were also endless.The open faction refers to those who advocate strict control as the epidemic -prevention enthusiast; the strict control faction warns that the (China) medical conditions are not allowed to lie flat at all, otherwise they will be coated with charcoal.

After the introduction of 20, the news that Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province has released public places and no longer mandatory detection of nucleic acids on the Internet.Shijiazhuang was called the pilot cities in an all -round way by netizens, and some people described Shijiazhuang to start the first shot to cancel the clear zero.

It is not as simple as imagination to relax the control of the epidemic.According to Chinese media reports, the local people who were worried about the liberalization of the control and controlled the cold medicine, and even the supply of the flowers of the flowers clearing the capsule.Some netizens in Hebei said that Shijiazhuang took the lead in implementing a comprehensive liberalized epidemic prevention policy and made an example for the whole country. It has great courage and great responsibility, but if you have to say the shortcomings of the United States, that is, I am in Shijiazhuang.Hu Xijin, the former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, also described: The change is too fierce. Many people have no sense of reliance and are uncomfortable. Instead, they dare not go out.

In the face of disputes, Zhang Chaochao, secretary of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, stated on the 14th to further optimize and adjust the prevention and control measures of the epidemic.Let go of rsquo;.The local restoration also resumed some of the cancellation nucleic acid detection points, and took a small step back on the road.

However, Shijiazhuang's attempts, folk reactions, and various discussions caused by this, the next step of China's epidemic prevention policy has the significance of the vane.

After the decision -making layer is optimizing the epidemic prevention policy, there are still many issues to be cleared on how 20 articles are implemented in different regions and levels.What goals and effects should be achieved by epidemic prevention, is it zero to the number of infections, or will the maximum likely to reduce the intensive rate and mortality?What are the responsibilities of local officials and under what circumstances will be held accountable?It is difficult for personnel to flow, and the epidemic overflow is difficult to avoid. How can the rigorous preservation of a game of chess nationwide be transformed into a policy optimization of a nationwide chess policy in a short period of time?

Another problem that is gradually liberalized by the epidemic prevention policy is that society can form a wider consensus.China has not been ignored by the rationality of strict prevention of epidemic preservation, but the contradiction between epidemic prevention and economy is becoming more and more prominent, and the policy has been changed.Under the three consecutive years of clearing policy, the people have formed a strong inertia.No longer forced normalized nucleic acid testing, non -inspection of nucleic acid reports in public places, and obsolete requirements, but instead feel uneasy about some people who are afraid of crown disease, and the aggressive new round of epidemic has exacerbated this uneasiness.

The tolerance of high -pressure epidemic prevention is getting smaller and smaller, but in turn, how high the acceptance of epidemic prevention policies, the extensive spread of the epidemic, and the acceptance of severe illness and death will be faced by China's optimization of epidemic prevention policies when optimizing the epidemic prevention policy.An unknown.In the cities that are anxious in Guangzhou, Chongqing, Beijing, etc., when the official releases the epidemic data recently, it is particularly emphasized that the lowest levels of severe illness is emphasized. I believe that it is necessary to break the old concept through instances. When the epidemic is closer, people's fear of it.

In the next few months, Chinese epidemic prevention will enter a key exploration period.How to gradually let go in order to relieve high -pressure epidemic prevention in the past three years, let society and the economy breathing, and at the same time control the relaxation rhythm, unify thinking in the exploration, prepare for the shortage of medical resources, and prevent hard landing from epidemic prevention. It will be right.Another new test of official control ability.This will also determine whether China can go more stable and farther on the road to relaxing epidemic prevention.