Oral Oral Medicine Azf Fixed Piece is officially retail in China.At present, Jie Azov's fixed table has been officially launched in the Neptune Xingchen Chain Pharmacy. Patients can give an order to the applet through the Neptune Xingchen Medicine.

According to the report of securities firms, there is news on Friday (November 18) that the crown oral medication Azf's fixed film is officially retail.According to the media confirmation, at present, the Azf's fixed film produced by the real biological production of Henan has been officially launched in the Neptune Xingchen Chain Pharmacy. Patients can give orders through the small program through Neptune Medicine.

The National Health and Health Commission of China has issued a notice on August 9th to include Azf's fixed slices into the crown disease diagnosis and treatment plan. Therefore, the medical insurance fund when insured patients use the drug can be paid in accordance with regulations.

According to the mini -program quotation, at present, the bottle of Azf's fixed table for 350 yuan (RMB, about S $ 70) per bottle, 35 tablets per bottle.Used to treat patients with ordinary crown diseases.

According to the news of China News Service on Friday (November 18), the Chongqing Municipal Health and Health Committee issued a notification of Chongqing New Crown Pneumonic Chinese Medicine Prevention and Control Program (Trial 4th Edition), and issued various medical institutions and various medical institutions andRelevant units are implemented with reference.The new version of the prevention and control programs provides a guide to further play the unique role of traditional Chinese medicine and strengthen the application of Chinese medicine in crown disease prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.

In the notification of Chongqing New Crown Pneumonic Chinese Medicine Prevention and Control Scheme (Trial Fourth Edition), the drugs that focus on the recommended drugs still include Huoxiang Zhengqi fluids that have been widely used in the treatment of practice.EssenceAmong them, emergency syrup is recommended for newly added drugs.

The comprehensive group of the China State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism issued a notice on further optimizing the prevention and control measures of the new crown pneumonia.The notice "Article 13 Measures" clearly states: "Accelerate the treatment of related drugs for new crown pneumonia. Do a good job of supply and reserves to meet patients for patients' medication, especially high -risk and treatment needs for elderly patients."