The Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision released the news on Friday (November 18). Xu Shiping, deputy secretary, president, and editor -in -chief of Shanghai Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious disciplinary violations.Disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Supervisory Commission.

According to the WeChat public account "Chang'an Street Knowledge" report, Xu Shiping is a senior media person in China. He was born in Shanghai in November 1959. He graduated from the Department of Journalism, Renmin University of China in 1982.18 years of work.

Xu Shiping participated in the preparation of in 2000. He served as vice chairman and chief editor of Director.

In April 2012, Xu Shiping returned to the reorganized Co., Ltd., as president and chief editor, retired in July 2020.????

The personal WeChat public account "Reconstruction History" registered by Xu Shiping has not been updated for a long time. The last article was published on July 20 this year.