Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places have begun to take vaccines for citizens.Not According to Global Network, eight districts in Beijing have started in vaccination of inhaled coronary vaccines since Wednesday (November 16). In addition, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places have also begun to be used on the same day.Not According to reporters, the reporter observed that the crown vaccination point in Shangdi Street, Haidian District, Beijing provides two vaccination methods for vaccination, which are injection and inhalation and inoculation.More, especially the elderly.Not CDC introduced that the contraindications of inhalation of crown disease are the same as injection. People with allergies to vaccine ingredients, hot -during people, and chronic diseases, and women in pregnancy cannot be vaccinated.Not According to reports, the inhaled coronary vaccine can only be used to strengthen immunity. The applicable population is 18 years old and over, and the basic immunity has been completed for six months.Not First Financial reported that inhaled vaccines may become an important supplement to existing crown vaccines.Compared with muscle injection vaccines, inhaled vaccines are expected to be immune to the respiratory mucosa. It is a "first line of defense" to prevent the virus from entering the human body. It provides more protection in the mucosal tissue to cause congenital and adaptive immunity.Not China National Drug Administration is the first time that the emergency use right approves the inhaled vaccine in September this year. The inhalation vaccine developed by Chinese vaccine manufacturer Kangxino Bio has become the first approved vaccine.