A few areas of the main city of Chongqing announced on Thursday that it will tighten epidemic prevention on Thursday. Limited people must return to the community within two hours of purchase.However, Chongqing's official requirements for virus testing have relaxed.After the detection of nucleic acid testing in the non -high -risk zone in the main city was changed to "one test the next day", reagents began to issue reagents on Wednesday in Jiangbei District, announcing that the public could do it at home.

The worst crown disease in Chongqing has continued to increase, and at least 16,800 infected people were added in five days.A few areas of the main city will announce the tightening of epidemic prevention on Thursday (November 17). Limited people must return to the community within two hours of purchasing, which is similar to the measures during the sealing period of Chengdu in September this year.

However, Chongqing's official requirements for virus testing have relaxed.Following Tuesday (November 15), it was announced that the detection of nucleic acid tests in the non -high -risk zone in the main city was changed to the implementation of the "one test the next day", and reagents began to be issued on Wednesday in Jiangbei District, announcing that the public could test at home.

Observer interviews pointed out that the measures of various districts in Chongqing are currently inconsistent, which causes uncertainty, reflecting that China's epidemic prevention is in an embarrassing transition period, and there is no unified way to end.The citizens interviewed have different views on their own testing at home. Some people question whether this measure can effectively resist the disease and believe that the general public lacks the spirit of self -discipline; some people think that this can reduce the risk of cross -infection in the queue of nuclear acid tests.

The number of local crown diseases in mainland China continued to rise on Thursday, reaching more than 25,000 cases, more than 23,000 cases higher than the previous day.The epidemic in Beijing, Guangdong, Chongqing and other places continued to spread.

After the Chongqing local infected person broke through the thousands of days on November 11, the main city notified the other day to further strengthen social management and control, and implement closed management to the communities. Each household can send one person every two days to purchase the necessities of life.

4,666 infected infected on Thursday, Chongqing, broke 4,000 cases in a single day for two consecutive days.Li Fan, deputy director of the Chongqing Health and Health Commission, was evaluated at a press conference on Friday (November 18) that the current epidemic situation is still in a rapid development period.

Li Fan pointed out that the number of people infected with social infection has rebounded after three consecutive days, indicating that social control and control must be further consolidated and strengthened.

Chongqing experts have studied and judged that the rising trend of the main urban epidemic began to slow down, but the hidden nature of Omikon's mutant strains has led to potential infected people through the farmers' market shopping, community community activities, and nucleic acid test queues to form community communication."Extraction of Extraction" constitutes a huge challenge.

Some regions have recently tightened the control measures.On Thursday, the southwest of the main city issued a notice. On the basis of being sent out every two days, each household can go out to purchase nearby, and request that those who go out to return to the community for a limited time for a limited time.

Virus detection signs of relaxation.Antigen detection agents are widely distributed on Wednesday, Jiangbei District, allowing people to test at home.

Interviewee: The public is not self -disciplined and promoted or difficult

Hong Yuan (pseudonym), a Singaporean who lives in Jiangbei, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the Jiangbei Community is currently implemented "one day nucleic acid testing, one day of antigen detection";The owner's WeChat group, currently the residents of the community are quite high.

Zhang Hang (pseudonym) of Jiangbei people said in an interview that many community people are unwilling to cooperate with new measures, "more than half of people may not have measured" "Why do they think I have no illness?"

Zhang Hang believes that it is not difficult to detect and promote it at home. The reason is that the general public's consciousness and self -discipline are not high, which may cause measures to be virtual.

Hong Yuan believes that it is a good development to promote the public at home in Chongqing to avoid the risk of cross -infection that may face when a few hundred people are waiting for nucleic acid testing downstairs at the same time.

Tan Gangqiang, director of the Chongqing Concord Psychological Consultant Office, analyzed in an interview that there are currently different pace of anti -epidemic measures in Chongqing, reflecting the differences in management levels. "Some places are rough and some are human."He pointed out that after the central government introduced 20 measures to optimize epidemic prevention, the prevention and control of localities is currently in a transition period. "The epidemic spread is responsible, and the mass incidents are also responsible." This has caused local governments and grass -roots streets.