After the official China officially introduced 20 measures to optimize prevention and control, the governments of many places immediately adjusted the epidemic prevention and control policy.The Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism also issued documents on Friday (November 18), requiring not to shut down entertainment venues and script entertainment operations at will.

According to China News Network, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a guide to the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on Friday (fifth edition) Internet online service business place new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work guide (fifth edition) entertainment entertainmentGuidelines for the Prevention and Control of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemium (Fifth Edition) Theater and other performance venues such as new crown pneumonia.

In the document, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China requires further improvement of the scientific and accuracy of prevention and control.Unblock.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China also clearly states that the area where there is no epidemic, the local culture and tourism administrative department shall urge the performance organizer to implement normalized prevention and control measures. In principleIn principle, the number of large -scale business performances such as concerts, music festivals, and real -life tourism performances is not limited in principle.

The document also mentioned that in the low -risk areas, the number of consumers received by the local party committees and the government based on the prevention and control situation of the local epidemic and the number of consumers received the number of consumers and the number of large business performances.In high -risk areas, operating performances are suspended.

China's official last Friday (November 11) released 20 measures to optimize the prevention and control of epidemic situations, and made certain adjustments to the inbound epidemic prevention measures and domestic control measures to further improve prevention and control prevention and control.The scientific and accuracy also mentioned that it is prohibited to stop school suspension, stop labor and discontinue production, etc., and strengthen the rectification of "one -size -fits -all" and increased layers.