(Bangkok Comprehensive News) At a meeting of Chinese officials at the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) meeting, China emphasized China's commitment to the Asia -Pacific region, and called for the construction of peaceful and wealthy Asia -Pacific.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the official Chinese official on Friday (November 18) in Bangkok, Thailand, said at an informal meeting of leaders in Bangkok, Thailand.Essence

He made a number of suggestions on the cooperation between Asia -Pacific, first of all, to maintain international fairness and justice and build a peaceful and stable Asia -Pacific.

China's official calls to adhere to the concept of joint, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable safety concept, respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries, do not interfere with the domestic politics, respect the development path and social system of the people of all countries, attach importance to the reasonable and safe concerns of various countries, Dialogue and negotiation solve differences and disputes between countries in a peaceful way.

Secondly, the Asia Pacific who insists on opening up and tolerance and build a common prosperity.He called on the Asia -Pacific countries to adhere to the open regionalism, strengthen the coordination of macroeconomic policies, build a closer regional industrial chain supply chain, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and build a high -level Asia -Pacific free trade zone at an early date.

Chinese officials say that China is willing to implement the comprehensive and high -quality regional economic partnership agreement (RCEP) and will continue to promote the addition of cross -Pacific Partnership Comprehensive Progress Agreement (CPTPP) and Digital Economic Partnership Agreement (DEPA) to continue to join the cross -Pacific partnership.Essence

China officially submitted CPTPP with 11 members in September last year, and applied for DEPA composed of Singapore, New Zealand and Chile in November last year.

China official also revealed that China will consider holding the third "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum next year.

The "Belt and Road" is the iconic infrastructure initiative proposed by China. China has held the above forums in 2017 and 2019. However, after the outbreak of the crown disease, China almost closed the border, and many large international meetings were canceled.

Chinese officials also propose to strengthen economic and technological cooperation in Asia -Pacific countries, and promote the transformation and upgrading of energy resources, industrial structures, and consumer structure.

He promises that China will provide support for the implementation of biological circulating green economy Bangkok's goals, coordinates the promotion of ecological environmental protection and economic development, and welcome Asia -Pacific countries to participate in the global development initiative proposed by China to reduce poverty, food, energy, and hygieneStrengthen cooperation in areas.

China's economic influence in the Asia -Pacific region has expanded, and the competition between China and the United States has continued to intensify.The US Vice President Harris, who attended the APEC conference, reiterated Washington's commitment to the region on Friday and emphasized that "the president of the United States is stationed here."

The day before, in the written speech published by the Chinese official at the APEC Business Leader Summit, it did not name it to the United States. "Any plot of "New Cold War".