Li Zhiying, founder of One Media Li Zhiying, was charged with crimes to collude with foreign forces. The case was scheduled to start the trial in December this year.Li Zhiying was approved to hire British Royal Lawyer Tim Owen to Hong Kong for defense on Wednesday (October 19).

According to Ming Pao, Li Zhiying's one "project" applied "for application, hired Irving to Hong Kong, and argued for the former Apple Daily case involved in Li Zhiying.The disputes involved include whether Li Zhiying accepted the media to comment on Guoan related affairs, which is enough to constitute a request for foreign forces to interfere with Chinese affairs, whether the scope of control is over, and how to balance the freedom of speech.

Pan Zhaochu, the chief judge of the Hong Kong High Court, analyzed in the resignation that the case involved how to define the scope of the crime of challenging the crime of foreign forces under the premise of ensuring freedom of speech.freedom of speech.This case is the first interrogation of this crime, which is "Immense Importance" for the local legal development of Hong Kong. The above -mentioned issues are "simple and direct" as described by the Department of Justice or Guild, and it must be handled with caution.

As for Li Zhiying's separate conspiracy to release the crime of inciting publication, whether the controversy is constitutional during the interrogation.The High Court of Hong Kong believes that the High Court or higher court has not discussed this issue, and the court must also refer to many countries that implement ordinary law. It is expected that this controversy is extremely complicated and influential.

Judging from the finger, Irving's rich experience, specializing in criminal crimes and human rights laws, will bring important assistance to the trial, and believe that he will approve him to go to Hong Kong to defend the public interest.