Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that no matter how the international situation changes, the determination to practice truly multilateralism will not change.NotAccording to the surging news report, Wang Wenbin responded to the reporter's issue at a regular press conference on Wednesday (October 19) that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has always stood on the side of unity and cooperation, standing on the side of most countries, and unprecedentedly unprecedented before.Participate in the reform and construction of the global governance system by breadth, depth, and intensity; promote the establishment of a new type of international relations for win -win cooperation, and promote the construction of a community of human destiny.NotIt is pointed out that China is a firm maintenanceman of today's international order. It has always firmly maintained a multilateral trade system with the international order with the international order based on international law and the world trade organization.NotIt is said that the amount of UN fee that has been borne by China's 10 years has steadily increased, and it has become the second largest UNFS and peacekeeping streaming country; comprehensively fulfilling the promise of "entering the WTO", a significant relaxation of market access, and continuously promoting high levels of opening to the public.The level was reduced from 15.3%to 7.4%, which opened nearly 120 of the 160 sub -sectors of the World Trade Organization's service and trade classification, and cleared nearly 200,000 laws and regulations.NotChina has also participated and promoted the 12th Ministerial Meeting of the WTO to achieve positive results, showing the determination to strengthen unity and cooperation and maintain the multilateral trading system.NotIt is also said that China is also an active contributor to maintain world peace, promote common development, and respond to global challenges.China has taken the lead in achieving the UN millennium development goals. In the past 10 years, the average contribution rate of world economic growth has reached 38.6%, which is the first driving force for the growth of world economic growth.Not, China actively participates in the mediation of hot issues such as the Korean Peninsula Nuclear Nuclear, Iranian Nuclear, Afghanistan and other hot issues to promote political solution.Cooperation initiative, global data security initiative, promote the reaching Paris Agreement, announce the "double carbon" goal, and provide more than 2.2 billion vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations.NotIt is also pointed out that China is still a responsible country that promotes the reform and improvement of the global governance system.Type world economy.NotIt is emphasized that China will adhere to openness and tolerance, negotiate and cooperate, participate in the reform and construction of the global governance system, promote democratization of international relations, and promote global governance in a more fair and reasonable direction.