Only Chinese panda arrived on Wednesday (October 19) to the capital of Qatar, Daha, and opened a 15 -year living.

Comprehensive China CCTV News and Global Network reports that in the early morning of Wednesday, local time, the two Chinese pandas "Four Seas" and "Beijing" took special planes to reach Hard International Airport in Dhaha, Qatar.They will then be transferred to the Grand Panda Pavilion north of the 50 kilometers north, and will be isolated for three weeks after arriving at the museum.

According to the research cooperation agreement reached by China cards, these two giant pandas will live in Qatar in the next 15 years, and they are also the first pair of pandas in the Middle East.

Reported that in order to ensure that the two giant pandas have successfully opened a new life, many experts in China have sent many experts to Qatar to conduct on -site guidance and field evaluation of the venue, and assist Qatar to set up a professional giant panda breeding management team.And complete the panda staple staple bamboo supply guarantee.At the same time, in order to accompany and help the giant panda to adapt to the new environment, the China Panda Protection Research Center also sent experienced breeders and veterinary experts to go randomly.

It is reported that "Four Seas" is a three -year -old female panda, born in Wolong Shenshuiping Base of the Chinese Giant Panda Protection Research Center; "Beijing" is a four -year -old male panda.At the Big Panda Protection Research Center Wolong Shenshuiping Base, he later lived at the Ya'an base.

The Ambassador of Qatar in China Mohammed Abdul Duhimi recently revealed in an interview with the Global Times reporter that Grand Panda Park will be officially opened before the opening of the Qatar World Cup in November.

Du Shimi said that the pair of pandas was "a gift from the Chinese people to the people of Qatar" and said that the panda will appear at Qatar during the World Cup to prove that the deep friendship between the two countries in China.

The Chinese Ambassador to Qatar announced on September 26 that China will give Qatar a gift to Qatar in October to celebrate the World Cup event held on November 20.Although China has not played in the World Cup finals, many Chinese companies have participated in related construction projects.

It was reported at the time that the names of the two pandas were Suhail and Soraya: Su Haier was the name of the Arabian star of the sailing star, and it was also the visual vision of the Bay Bay area.The brightest star you can see; Saraya is the name of the Pleiades.