China has launched a new model of second -hand housing trading in China in many places.According to industry insiders, the "bringing transfer" model saves costs and time for buyers and sellers, improves transaction security, or is conducive to active second -hand housing markets in various places.

According to China, incomplete statistics show that since August this year, more than ten hotspots and second -tier cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Kunming, and Nanjing have issued the new policy of "withdrawal" in second -tier cities.Or it has actually implemented.At the same time, in cities that have implemented the "transferred transfer" policy in China, cities have adopted methods such as guarantee and notarization to ensure transactions and mortgage safety.

Zhengzhou also issued a notice of the implementation plan of the exit of the existing house with the existing house of Zhengzhou City, and put forward the beginning of November this year to gradually promote the "transfer of transfer" model.

Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of Easy House Research Institute, introduced that this is a policy of transfers and registration of second -hand housing trading. In factThe policy innovation ideas of housing transaction costs and active second -hand housing are also inspired by China's second -hand housing market.

In the past, buyers handled second -hand housing transactions. After the buyer signed the contract, the buyer must first submit a loan application to the bank. After the loan approval was approved, the seller must first settle the loan of the original bank to apply for the mortgage and register. ThenOnly only the transfer registration of second -hand housing transfer and mortgage registration of the buyer's loan can be applied. After the mortgage registration is completed, the buyer's bank shall be led to pay the purchase payment to the seller's account.

The buyers and sellers must not only travel between the registration agencies and the bank many times, but the required time cycle will also be very long. Before all the transactions and registration procedures are completed, the seller will settle the fee of the original bank loan.Many need to use bridge funds, and the cost of transfer to houses is high.

After implementing the second -hand housing "bringing the transfer", it not only reduces the troubles of crossing the bridge, reduced the threshold for entering the market, but also increases the more selectivity of both buyers and sellers.Circulation costs and further active real estate markets.