Double Festive

Twenty of the Communist PartyThe export of scope restrictions to China allows China to seek the hope of maintaining the external environmental stability before the CCP's agency.It is surprising that during the Twenty CPC held this Tuesday, the relationship between China and the West has twists and turns, which is not limited to the United States, but also involves the European Union, Germany, the United Kingdom.variable.

Faced with the external environment of challenges, Chinese official Sunday (October 16) reported on the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress, calling on the Chinese peopleIt means that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered the "irreversible historical process". In the future, the future of external turmoil may continue to exacerbate warning, and it will also show confidence in overcoming the increasing competition from the United States.

During the report of Chinese officials and vowed to resolutely win the key core technology battles, and accelerate the realization of high -level technology self -reliance, obviously means that the 20th year of the 20th China will face more concentrated on the high scientific and technological warfare,It also implies that China can still bear the pressure that the US supply may be cut off in the national security and high -tech fields.

The opening of the 20th National Congress the next day, U.S. Secretary of State Brills once again made difficulties in China to evaluate great changes in China in the past 10 years.Interests and values constitute challenges.

Brinken also played "Taiwan cards" at the forum of Stanford University, saying that Chinese officials have changed the status quo on both sides of the strait and created huge tensions.

Although Brinton also reiterated that the United States is still willing to cooperate with China in terms of seeking common interests, but at the sensitive time in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has proposed sharp criticism to the senior management of the Communist Party of China.The meeting opposite the scene created uncertainty, and it also launched the United States and China Driver.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin named Brinton on Tuesday (October 19), criticizing him for tampering with the United States' commitment to China, calling on the United States to fulfill his commitments, and did not support the statement of Taiwan independence.

During the 20th National Congress, the subsequent diplomatic contradictions came from Europe.On Monday, a foreign minister of the European Union held a meeting on Monday in Luxembourg, Berrely, a senior representative of the EU diplomacy and security policy, evaluated that China is increasingly becoming the EU's "strong competitors" and in Africa, Asia, Latin America and other regions to try to enhance influence.

A internal document before the EU Foreign Minister's meeting predicts that the 20th National Congress will confirm that China will implement the "internal vision policy" in political atresia and economic technology independence in the future, and it may expand the "differences in political choices" in China and Europe.

Documents also emphasize the impact of Taiwan's issue on Sino -European relations, and warn the EU's dependence on Chinese products as "strategic vulnerability", urging cooperation with the United States and Indo -Pacific regions to reduce the economic and industrial supply chain reduction in ChinaThe dependence indicates that the European Union may intend to increase the efforts with Huahua.

Wang Wenbin reiterated that Central Europe is a partner rather than an opponent on Monday, reminding people to set up limits for political purposes to affect the stability of the industrial chain supply chain.

The European Union has regarded China as "partners, competition objects and institutional opponents" since 2019.Berrely said that Monday's meeting roughly confirmed the way the European Union treated China again, and can still contact the fields that are concerned about in climate change.

But he also warns that the European Union must be in "sober way", because the role of China as the object of competition has become more prominent.This statement that emphasizes competition and limited cooperation shows that the EU's position against China may be further closer to the United States.

On the other hand, the three major German intelligence agencies also reminded the German political and business circles at the annual public hearings on Monday, and reminded the German political community not to be "too naive" when dealing with China.threaten.The person in charge of the domestic intelligence also described the threat from China and Russia with an environmental crisis: "If Russia is a storm, China is a climate change."

German intelligence agencies also said that China has been "carefully layout spy activities" for the German army for many years, and also warned that China has a risk of shares in infrastructure such as Hamburg's container terminal.

Wang Wenbin called on Germany to stop advocating "Chinese spy threats" and catching wind and slandering China. Do not political cooperation.

German intelligence units overlay other core members of the government to China recently, showing that the German Chancellor of German Prime Minister, which publicizes China, may have become a minority.

On the opening day of the 20th National Congress, the demonstrations of the demonstrations were dragged into the Chinese consulate in Manchester City.Police in the Greater Manchester region issued a statement on Tuesday that it had launched an investigation on the incident and promised to make any person who think of sin.

Wang Wenbin refers to the illegal entry into the consulate on Tuesday, and the museum has the right to take necessary measures to maintain the peace and dignity of the place.

British Foreign Minister Cleverly criticized the beating incident on Wednesday, saying that the demonstration was peaceful and legal on the day, and revealed that the British government was considering further action.


The 20th CPC has not yet ended, and China's diplomatic problems have emerged again and again. They will test the determination and wisdom of the new leadership team.Whether China will deal with these external challenges in the form of tit -for -tat and teeth will be the next observation point for public opinion.