On September 11, the three "tigers" were dealt with at the same time, and they were:

Li Xiangang, former member and deputy director of the Standing Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress, Liu Yuejin (Deputy Minister -like), member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Li Yong, former deputy secretary and general manager of China Ocean Petroleum Group Co., Ltd.

The notification mentioned that after investigation, Li Xianang lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, discussed the party's central government policy, and confronted organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, accepted a banquet that could affect the execution of official duties, and went to the private club in violation of regulations.; Violation of organizational principles, do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations. When an inquiry of the organizational conversation, it is not as good as explaining the problem, and the use of power and illegal regulations will help others promotion and adjustment.Lack of consciousness, inquiry and inspection information in violation of regulations, retain confidential documents in violation of regulations; moral corruption; greedy and corruption, use public power as a tool for private interest, use job convenience to make benefits for others in business operations, case treatment, etc., and illegally accept huge property; Edge public property.

Liu Yuejin lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, was unfaithful to the party, confronted the organizational review; ignored the spirit of the eight central regulations, and accepted a banquet in the private club in violation of regulations;Gifts; retain confidential documents privately; have no consciousness of discipline and law, law enforcement illegal, and use public power as a tool to seize private interests, conduct power and money transactions, and use job convenience to benefit others in business operations, case coordination, etc.Illegally receive huge property.

Li Yong loses his ideals and convictions, deviates from his original mission, and fights for organizational review; ignores the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, and has accepted the banquet and played by the supplier's arrangement many times.-> Activity; violate the principles of organization, not to realize the problem when the organizational conversation letter, and promote the promotion and adjustment of cadres in violation of regulations; unblocked gifts in violation of the rules, accepting tourism arrangements that may affect fair execution of official duties, and engage in money transactions."Eat oil by oil", hook back with illegal merchants for a long time, engage in power and money transactions, work in China, collect money overseas, use job convenience to make benefits for others in terms of business agency, product sales, and promotion of positions.Huge property.

Edit | Yu Hui