The Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on September 9th, Dong Dehong, secretary of the Litang County Party Committee of Ganzi Prefecture, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and actively voting the case. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Dong Dehong

Reports show that on September 2, he attended the public event; on September 5, he commissioned the county chief to hold relevant meetings.

The official resume shows that Dong Dehong, male, born in July 1968, Han nationality, Sichuan Luding people, academic degree in the Provincial Party School University.He joined the work in July 1988 and joined the Communist Party of China in June 1993.

He worked in the Government of Lengxiang Town, Luding County, and later served as deputy mayor of Lengyu Town, Luding County.Secretary and chairman of the National People's Congress, began as member of the Standing Committee of the Ganzi County Party Committee and Organization Department in 2002, member of the Standing Committee of the Danba County Party Committee and the Minister of Organization Department, and Deputy Secretary of Yajiang County Party Committee.

In 2011, Dong Dehong served as the head of Xinlong County, Ganzi Prefecture, and in July 2021, he served as Secretary of the Xinlong County Party Committee.One year later, in July 2022, he was transferred to the Secretary of the Litang County Party Committee and took the initiative to invest in the case.

On March 29 this year, Lei Jianping, secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Ganzi CPPCC, was investigated.He has served as deputy secretary, deputy county chief, and Dai County, and the secretary of the Litang County Party Committee.