The State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on September 8th, An Jiuxiong, former secretary of the Guizhou Southeast State Committee of the Guizhou Province, was expelled from the party and public office.

The report said that after investigation, An Jiuxiong lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, misplaced his performance, distorted power, seriously violated political discipline and political rules, and for the sake of personal promotion to political attachment, confrontation of organizational censorship, participating in superstitionActivities; violate the principle of organizational principles, seek benefits for others in terms of job promotion and other people; the bottom line of integrity is lost, and gifts and gifts are accepted in violation of regulations., Payment Dialing and other aspects to obtain benefits, and illegally receive huge amounts of property.

Public resumes show that An Jiuxiong was born in September 1976. In September 1976.

An Jiuxiong worked in Shizhen County, Guizhou Province in the early years.In December 2008, An Jiuxiong served as Deputy Director of the Township Enterprise Bureau of Tongren District.

In August 2011, An Jiuxiong was transferred to Guiyang City, served as Deputy Secretary -General of the Municipal Government, and served as Secretary -General of the Guiyang Municipal Government in 2014.

In August 2016, An Jiuxiong went to the Guizhou Provincial Government as the Deputy Secretary -General of the Guizhou Provincial Government.According to public reports, An Jiuxiong also participated in the event as the executive deputy secretary -general of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee.Since then, An Jiuxiong has been transferred to the deputy secretary of the Qianxiandong State Party Committee (retaining the main hall and the level).

In August 2021, An Jiuxiong was appointed Governor of Qiandongnan Prefecture, and was elected as the governor of the next month.In February 2023, An Jiuxiong took over as the secretary of the Qiandongnan State Party Committee.In October of that year, An Jiuxiong was checked.

A few days ago, Li Yuanping, member of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the Provincial Supervisory Committee, published a signature article to eliminate the soil and conditions of corruption."" ".

The article states that Sun Zhigang, Li Zaong, Zhou Jianzhang and others have the biggest damage to Guizhou is the political ecology.It is necessary to learn from Sun Zhigang, Li Zaiyong, Zhou Jianzhang and other cases, resolutely investigate and deal with the corruption of political and economic problems, resolutely clear the "two -sided people" who are political in politics and degenerate, and are not loyal to the party, and strictly prevent political hazards.Since Sun Zhigang and others have been investigated, especially since the investigation, the provincial party committee has resolutely cleared up a group of "horses of harm" in a group of cadres and "lesions" polluting "trees" and "forests" to effectively purify the political ecology.

According to the data, Sun Zhigang served as the governor of Guizhou Province and the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee from 2015 to 2020; Li Zaong had served as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary -General of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Standing Committee Member of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Governor;Zhou Jianzheng has successively served as Secretary of the Anshun Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Bijie Municipal Party Committee, vice chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference, and member of the party group.

Author: 丨 Li Yan