The former secretary of the disciplinary committee of Yibin City, Sichuan Province received a bribe with bribeNew progress has been made.On September 9th, the upstream journalists learned from people familiar with the matter that the total of more than 17.4 million yuan was illegally accepted by others' property and and her sympathy.For bribery, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison, and Wang Mourong was also sentenced to 3 and a half years.

Before retiring in November 2016, Xiang Huili served as the secretary of the Yibin Discipline Inspection Commission for ten years.Image source/Yibin City Discipline Inspection Commission

The court found that from 2004 to 2016, Xiang Huili used the convenience of serving as the county chief of Ya'an Tianquan County, the secretary of the county party committee, and the secretary of the Yibin City Discipline Inspection Commission.Interests, illegal collection of huge bribes.According to the data, Xiang Huili had served as the secretary of the Yibin Discipline Inspection Commission for ten years. In August 2016, he was dismissed for serious disciplinary violations and retired in November of the same year.In April 2022, Xiang Huili, who retired for more than 5 years, was officially announced by the official violation of discipline and violations of laws and discipline reviews and investigation by the Supervisory Commission.

The judgment shows that Xiang Huili presented a lover Wang Mourong 12 million yuan.The gift in the house in the Lushan International Interaken Community, Lushan International, Tianfu New District, a large number of cash involved in the case, and the total of 15.0288 million yuan was seized by the relevant departments.In addition, Wang Mourong also used the 9 million yuan of the two people's bribery to invest in real estate, profitable 8 million yuan.

Help for bidding for coal bosses and enterprises many times, collect huge bribes

"In the past, as the county party secretary, the work of arresting the party's work style and anti -corruption, although there was no responsibility, after all, there were many macro requirements and fewer specific operations.My ability is limited, and the level is not high, but I will fly first ... "In 2009, Xiang Huili wrote in the new book published in his publishing: the work notes of a municipal disciplinary committee secretary.

Now it seems that this passage looks particularly ridiculous.Facts have proved that his road to corruption started with him as the county head and county party secretary of Tianquan County, Ya'an.The resume shows that in January 2002, Xiang Huili was promoted by the deputy secretary -general of the Ya'an Municipal Party Committee to the deputy secretary of the Tianquan County Party Committee and the county head; in June 2004, he began to serve as secretary of the Tianquan County Party Committee.

The court found that from 2004 to 2006, Xiang Huili used the convenience of serving as the head of the county and county party committee of Tianquan County to help Yuan Moumou and Sun Moumou acquired Tianquan County Angzhou Coal Mine for help., Together with Wang Mourong, they received 9 million yuan in money from Yuan and Sun; they helped Tianquan Steel Company in the technical reform project and acquired the Erlang Mountain Fire Plant to collect 400,000 yuan in cash for business owners;A electric power company provides help in hydropower development, collecting 400,000 yuan in cash for business owners; helping a tourism development company in Tianquan County to provide help in developing tourism projects, collecting corporate owners' cash of 200,000 yuan.

In October 2006, he was transferred to Yibin as the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission.However, he did not want to peck out the "worm" hidden in the cadre team. Instead, he used the power given by the party and the people as a tool to seek personal private interest.Essence

In January 2023, the Sichuan Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that it was expelled from the party to be expelled from the law and disciplinary violations of the law.Photo Source/Official Micro Screenshot

The facts of the case found by the court show that Xiang Huili uses him as the secretary of the disciplinary committee, and the second team leader of the supervision team of Yibin City, the director of the Yibin City Bidding Supervision Committee, and the urban and rural areas of Yibin City.In the position of deputy leader of the leading group of environmental comprehensive governance, the two -line transformation and improvement of the two -south entrance and exit of the urban area, and the project commander of the project, etc.The approval of small loan companies provides help, and illegally accepts a large amount of cash sent by business owners, a total of more than 16.4 million yuan.

In addition to cheering to relevant departments to the enterprise operation, Xiang Huili also provided help and bribery in the promotion of others.In 2010, he was promoted to Fu Tianchi, the political commissar of the traffic police detachment of Yibin City Public Security Bureau, to help the leader of the traffic police detachment of the Yibin Public Security Bureau, and received a cash of Tianchi 100,000 yuan.According to the data, in October 2022, due to serious disciplinary violations, Fu Tianchi was expelled from the party and public office in accordance with the law.

In the second half of 2010, in order to ensure that his girlfriend Hu Mou successfully became the Deputy Director of China Merchants Bureau, the China Merchants Bureau, Yibin, he sent a cash to a cash of 100,000 yuan.He served as the deputy director in September, and the current job information is unknown.

In 2011, Liu Qinghui, then deputy director of the Gaoxian Public Security Bureau of Yibin City, was investigated by the "dual regulations".Yu Mou, a shareholder of a small loan company in Gaoxian, found Xiang Huili to help. Later, Liu Qinghui was severely warned by the Party's Party's party.In the first half of 2012, Yu Mou gave Xiang Huili's cash of 500,000 yuan.The reporter learned that Liu Qinghui was prosecuted in 2015 for bribery, and the sentence was unknown.

Give 12 million yuan to the mistress, and then be reported to hide 10 million yuan in cash

The judgment shows that Wang Mourong was born on December 8, 1962, 3 years behind Xiang Huili.Wang Mourong ID number shows that he was born in Dazhou, Sichuan, with a high school degree.After Xiang Huili served as the secretary of the Tianquan County Party Committee, in July 2004, Wang Mourong established Sichuan Shengda Real Estate Co., Ltd. in the name of his father, Wang Moukou.In April 2022, the official announced that Xianghui was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and was reviewed by law, and Wang Mourong was also simultaneously adopted to take restraint measures.

Case information shows that in the auction of Angzhou Coal Mine in Tianquan County, Wang Mourong has repeatedly gave Xianghui a "pillow wind"EssenceAccording to the confession of Huihui, in 2004, Tianquan County was preparing to extend the industrial extension of Angzhou Coal Mine, introduced the activated carbon plant to revitalize coal mine resources, and inspected Sun Moulin during the preparatory stage.

One weekend in May 2004, Xiang Huili took Wang Mourong to participate in the dinner where Sun Moulin and others were in Chengdu.At the dinner, Sun Moulin and Wang Mourong left the phone number.After that, Wang Mourong often proposed to take care of Sun Moulin to buy Angzhou Coal Mine in front of Xiang Huili.

During the auction of Angzhou Coal Mine, in order to ensure that Sun Moulin and his partner Yuan Moumou successfully obtained Angzhou Coal Mine, they dismissed some bidders from Huili.people.In August 2004, Sun and Yuan won the coal mine assets and mining rights for 70.3 million yuan.

Afterwards, Sun Moulin and Yuan Moumou transferred 9 million yuan to Shengda Real Estate.Under the acquiescence of Hui Li, Wang Mourong invested the funds to the real estate project of Wusheng, Guang'an.Wang Mourong confessed that the project made more than 14 million yuan, of which the 9 million yuan of inputs sent by Yuan Moumou and Sun Moulin were 8 million yuan.

After Wang Mourong was taken to take the control measure, he took the initiative to truthfully confess the above -mentioned criminal facts.At the same time, Xiang Huili received 2 million yuan from Chengdu businessman Sun Mougui, and Xiang Huili in Wan'an Town, Chengdu, Wan'an Town, Wan'an Town, ChengduHousing at No. 20, Section 2, Avenue (that is, Lushan International Interaken Community) may store a large number of cash involved in the case.


After verification of relevant departments, Wang Mourong's two reports are true.The prosecutor found that from 2013 to 2016, Huili used the convenience of his position to help Chengdu businessman Sun Mougui in terms of loan financing and other aspects, and received Sun Mougui's cash of 2.8 million yuan in 4 times.The last one was after Xiangli stepped down the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yibin City. One day in the second half of 2016, Sun Mougui gave Xiang Huili 100,000 yuan in Chengdu.

In addition, the relevant departments also seized 15.0288 million yuan in cash in the house in Huili, located in the Lushan International Interaken Community, and obtained illegal and disciplinary income from Huili after investigation and verification.

It is reported that during the survey of Wang Mourong, Wang Mourong actively cooperated with the investigation and played a positive role in the investigation of Xianghui.In addition, Wang Mourong also actively refunded the total criminal income of 9 million yuan and 8 million yuan, a total of 17 million yuan. At the same time, he refunded 12 million yuan in violation of discipline and crimes that Xiang Huili used.

The court trial believes that in the process of receiving 9 million yuan from Yuan Moumou and Sun Moulin, Xiang Hui and Wang Mourong jointly played the main role of the main criminals, and Wang Mourong took the secondary role department.From the offender, he should reduce the punishment for Wang Mourong; after Wang Mourong arrived in the case, he took the initiative to truthfully confess the facts that the supervision organs did not have the criminal facts, provided the criminal clues of others, and actively refunded the stolen money.Wide treatment.

Xiang Huili has been sentenced to 12 years, and my mistress has been sentenced to 3 years and a half

The court trial believes that the defendant, as a state staff, uses the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others, and illegally collects a total of 17.40152 million yuan in other people's property.10,000 yuan, the amount is particularly huge, both of which constitute a crime of bribery.Xiang Huili was passively confronted with all the criminal facts after he arrived at the case.

In December 2023, the Renshou County Court of Meishan Sichuan made a first -instance judgment: Xiang Huili committed bribery, sentenced to twelve years in prison, and fined 2 million yuan; Wang Mourong was sentenced to three years in prison for three years and sixMonth, and fined 600,000 yuan.The two people's joint illegal income of 9 million yuan will be recovered by 8 million yuan, and the treasury will be paid; more than 17.4 million yuan of illegal income detained in the case is recovered and paid the state treasury.

The judgment shows that Xiang Li Li and Wang Mourong claimed the penalty.People familiar with the matter revealed to reporters that they did not appeal to Hui Li after the first trial.

The official resume shows that Xiang Huili, born in December 1957, was born in Tongjiang, Sichuan, has a postgraduate degree in the party school of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, and joined the work in September 1975.After participating in the work in September 1975, he taught in the elementary school, middle school, and central school of Mishi District, Tongjiang County; in July 1984, he was transferred to Tongjiang County Cultural and Education Bureau Education Stocks; from February 1989 to September 1996, he was in TongjiangWorking department of the county party committee.

In September 1996, Xiangli was mobilized from northeast Sichuan to the provincial capital Chengdu to enter the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee Organization Department. Here he met Wei Hong, the Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee.More closely related.In November 2000, Xiang Huili transferred to Wei Hong, Sichuan Ya'an, and served as the deputy secretary -general of Ya'an Municipal Party Committee after the "withdrawal of the city".In January 2002, Xiang Huili served as the county chief of Tianquan County, Ya'an City, and was promoted to the county party secretary.

In October 2006, Xiang Huili served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Yibin Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission.In February 2016, Xiang Huili stepped down as Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yibin City; in August of the same year, Xiang Huili was dismissed by the party's post and administrative dismissal due to serious disciplinary violations, and he was reduced to deputy officer -level non -leadership positions.retire.

On April 23, 2022, the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection "Integrity Sichuan" released news that the retired cadres at the Yibin City Division of Yibin City, Sichuan Province were suspected of serious disciplinary violations to Huili.Disciplinary review, under the jurisdiction of the Sichuan Provincial Supervision Commission, the Meishan Municipal Supervision Commission is conducting a supervision and investigation.

In January 2023, "Integrity Sichuan" reported that after investigation, he lost his ideals and beliefs to Huili, and the discipline and law were weak, deviated from the original mission, and were unfaithful to the party.Gifts and gifts that affect fair execution of official duties; during the organizational review period, it is not as good as the problem, concealing related matters that do not report to individuals, and say hello to others in promoting and appointment;Use the convenience of the position to seek benefits for the operating activities of a specific relationship; moral corruption; greedy expansion, boldness, incorporate public power into a tool for personal private interest, willing to be "hunting", use the convenience of post, and give others in the convenience of their positions.The bidding of engineering projects is particularly huge.

Xianghui seriously violates the party's discipline, constitutes a duty violation of law and is suspected of accepting bribery, and does not converge after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.If the nature is serious and the impact is severe, it should be dealt with seriously.After studying and reporting to the Municipal Party Committee for approval by the Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yibin, it was decided to give Xiang Huili expelled from the party; cancel its enjoyment in accordance with regulations; collect its violations of discipline and law;The property is transferred.

Upstream journalists? Shen Du