Edit 丨 Dong Xin

The Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued news recently that Li Qin, former party secretary and chairman of Hunan Provincial Finance Guarantee Group Co., Ltd., was expelled from the party and public office.

Public news shows that Li Qin was born in January 1964, Cili, Hunan.He has served as a member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Hunan Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; the party committee secretary of the Hunan Provincial Financing Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.

In January 2014, he served as the director, deputy secretary of the party committee, and deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Rural Credit Cooperative.

In October 2021, Li Qin served as chairman of Hunan Provincial Financing Guarantee Group Co., Ltd., until October 2023, he was in office.

According to the official website, Hunan Provincial Financing Guarantee Group Co., Ltd. is a wholly state -owned company established by the Hunan Provincial People's Government. It was established on April 28, 2017. It is the only provincial financing guarantee institution in Hunan with AAA -level provincial financing guarantee institutionsEssence

In September 2024, with the approval of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted an investigation and investigation on the issue of Li Qin's serious violations of discipline and law. Li Qin was expelled from the party and public office.

The notification pointed out that Li Qin seriously violated the party's political discipline, the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, organized discipline and life discipline, constituted serious duties illegal and suspected of accepting bribery, illegal loans, huge amounts of property sources of unknown crimes, and in the 10th party's tenAfter the eight major, do not converge and do not stop. The nature is serious and affects bad. It should be dealt with seriously.

After investigation, Li Qin is a leading cadre of state -owned enterprises, completely losing the principles of party spirit, completely abandoning his original mission, violating political discipline, self -proclaimed means, transferring hidden property, serving with others, fighting for organizational review;Standardized the spirit, accepting gifts in violation of regulations, and accepting banquets that may affect the execution of official duties; violate organizational discipline, do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations; violate the discipline of life;Interests, illegally receiving huge amounts of property illegally with others; dislocation of power, issuing loans illegally, and huge amounts of amounts of loans, causing particularly major losses; family property significantly exceeds legal income, the difference is huge and cannot explain the source.