The Hong Kong Economic Daily quoted media sources that the newly ruling in the British court, Ding Yumei, the ex-wife of the founder of China Evergrande Xu Jiayin, was allowed to withdraw up to 20,000 pounds per month as living expenses.

On the evening of August 5 this year, China Evergrande issued an announcement saying that the company's clearing people in the Hong Kong High Court in the name of the High Court of China to the President of the Company Xujiayin , Xia Haijun, former Chief Executive Officer, Pan Darong, former Chief Financial Officer Pan Darong, and Xu Jiayin's ex-wife Ding Yumei and Xu Jiayin and Ding Yumei's three affiliated physical companies to pursue dividends to recover dividendsA total of about $ 6 billion.

Last year's file showed that Ding Yumei held 5.99%of Evergrande's shares.According to a court document on August 29, Ding Yumei has more than $ 4 million in British bank accounts and lives in London.The cleaner is looking for Ding Yumei to return the 2.8 billion Hong Kong dollar dividend of HK $ 2.8 billion in 2018 to 20 years.