Yang Zhigang, vice president of the former association of Hong Kong Baptist University, said that the contributions of the college talents in Hong Kong to the economy, people's livelihood, and scientific and technological innovation belong to the "three years in the world", and the culprit is the various "cages of cages in the Hong Kong higher education system."He believes that the solution is to merge the eight major colleges and universities in Hong Kong into" Hong Kong United University "and cancel the teaching and capital association.

Yang Zhigang published an article in Hong Kong Hong Kong 01 on Tuesday (September 10), saying that the various "cages" set up by the Hong Kong higher education system, including the review of the teaching and funding of the collegeColonial management of Hong Kong universities.

Yang Zhigang believes that the solution is to imitate the Southwest Lian University during the Anti -Japanese War.The principal and other systems remain unchanged, and their powers remain unchanged, but they are no longer responsible for the Teaching Association and changed to the responsibility of "General President".

According to reports, the university education funding committee (education meeting) currently dominated by Hong Kong's higher education, and reviews the overall research level of the eight major colleges every six years.

Yang Zhigang took the latest review report of the Education Association in 2021 as an example. He pointed out that the thinking of the teaching and capital association stayed before 1997. He believed that "the outside world is the United Kingdom and the world is the West."He said that 361 judges of the Education Association, of which 252 (70%) came from overseas and most of them came from the United Kingdom.There is no local on the mainland and Hong Kong from the United States, Canada, and Australia.He rebuked the Education Commission "'Foreign" is mainly to the United Kingdom.

He continued to point out that the review projects are all over, and each review affects university appropriations. Therefore, every university is full of affection. "The real world outside. "

Yang Zhigang also pointed out that there are malignant competition between the eight major colleges, and the teaching of the teaching and the marsh cutting the throat between colleges and universities will achieve the "conflict of interests" to eliminate Hong Kong scholars and stability.The purpose of overseas scholars (mainly from the United Kingdom).

He said that malignant competition has made the universities in Hong Kong only compete and has no cooperation. Therefore, "first -class thesis, first -class ranking, and" excellent ", the substantial contribution is insignificant."

He listed data, high -end manufacturing only accounts for only 1%of Hong Kong's GDP, Shenzhen is 40%, and Taiwan is 34%.1%of Hong Kong comes from the industry, and the university has made a small contribution.

Yang Zhigang believes that although in recent years, under the constraints of patriotism and Hong Kong forces, the situation of teaching and capital by the British has converged slightly, but it is still firm.He proposed that from the source reform, imitating the Southwest Union of the Anti -Japanese War, merged the eight major colleges, and canceled the teaching and capital associations, allowing the eight major colleges to work together to overcome the difficulties of research and development, and coordinated the combination of production and research.

Yang Zhigang listed the benefits of mergers and said that in teaching, he can promote the advantages of the discipline with the degree of optimization, so that students to teach across schools, teach cross -school lectures, credit mutual recognition, credit transfer, library library, library libraryAnd resource sharing such as gymnasium.

In terms of university rankings, Yang Zhigang said that the eight branches under the University of Hong Kong jointly shared the same "Hong Kong United University" brand, which was provided by the data of the 8th branch of the Hong Kong University.A set of overall information, from this eight colleges and universities, "one honor and prosperity, complementary advantages."