The Hong Kong SAR government's second anniversary of the last expiration of the session, Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that many tasks of the Hong Kong Government reached a campaign target during the term of office, and all directors of the Division meet the requirements.

The comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and Radio Hong Kong reported that in an exclusive interview with the media, Li Jiachao was asked about the repeated delay in Hong Kong's waste levy measures, and some transportation and tourism measures were chaotic.Accountability.

Li Jiachao responded that the current performance of the Hong Kong Division meets his requirements, and of course he will continue to stay.

He then metaphorized the Hong Kong Government team with the "boat". It is said that the team is like a ship. "The first will be moved forward. The speed of the second ship should be faster and faster.The most important thing is the correct direction. "He believes that the entire ship is progressing.

In response to the performance of the Hong Kong Government Directors, Li Jiachao said that it is difficult to compare between officials. The scope of each official is different.The goal is to jump high.

As for his own performance, Li Jiachao said that he had to wait for others to evaluate, and he only had to require himself.He believes that the work of the Chief Executive is a mission, and any policy must consider public interest in selflessness.

Li Jiachao's current term remaining for about three years. When asked if he would consider re -election, he said that he only wanted to be the mission of the Chief Executive.The mission, no other thought. "

In recent months, a number of foreign judges who have been very much overseas in Hong Kong have suddenly resigned. Among them, the judge Cen Yaoxin also publicly pointed out that the rule of law in Hong Kong also said that this is an individual person's view and some have left.The judge has confidence in the rule of law in Hong Kong, and the Basic Law allows overseas to serve as a judge system, which will allow this system to continue.

He said that the spirit of the rule of law is not based on the participation of overseas judges, but whether each case is judged independently by the judge in accordance with the principles and evidence of each case without any intervention.