The deputy mayor of Chongqing, Hu Minglang, from the beginning of the Spring Festival this year, unloaded the post of public security director who was nearly three and a half years, and then went to the unknown for half a month, which caused continuous attention from the outside world.Chinese officials issued a notice last Friday (February 23), saying that Hu Minglang, who has served in the police world for nearly 40 years, entered Beijing to perform a new one. The deputy director of the flat emergency management department, and the official career went out of the public security political and legal system for the first time.

This news is of great significance.Hu Minglang not only successfully broke the past 10 years, Chongqing's "knife handle" one after another on the fate of planting on his arbitrarily means that in the era of King Bo (former Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Bo Xilai and former Public Security Director Wang Lijun), the officialdom and the police in the mountain city lasted for many years.Political disturbances may finally draw an end, so that Chongqing Public Security Director is no longer a "high -risk profession".

The website of Chongqing Public Security Bureau updated the leadership information section during the Spring Festival, showing that Chongqing Deputy Mayor Zhang Anjiang has replaced Hu Minglang at the helm of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau, and the first prediction of "Old Public Security" Hu Minglang's position has changed.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China only released the news of the appointment and removal of the State Council on February 23, and announced the whereabouts of Hu Minglang's departure from Chongqing, showing that he was appointed Deputy Minister of Emergency Management.The official website of the Emergency Management Department also updated the leadership column on the same day, showing that Hu Minglang ranked second among the five deputy ministers.

Before Hu Minglang arrived in Chongqing in September 2020, Wang Lijun, He Ting and Deng Huilin went one after another in the Municipal Public Security Director Ren, which caused Chinese netizens to exclaim that the position was "the same as the Korean president as high -risk positions as the president of South Korea."" ".

In fact, Chongqing has undergone seven public security directors since the direct jurisdiction in 1997. Chen Bangguo, Zhu Mingguo, Liu Guanglei, Wang Lijun, He Ding, Deng Huilin, Hu Minglang;The four sank one after another.

Faced with the situation where most predecessors planted in the public security director, Hu Minglang not only stabilized his feet, stood up, and finally landed safely and left the Chongqing Shin. It was enough to let him be in the officialdom of ChongqingLeave the name.

The 56 -year -old Hu Minglang is a native of Wuhan, Hubei. He has worked in the Guangxi Public Security System for nearly 30 years. He is the old man of Guo Shengzhang, a former Central Political and Legal Committee of Guangxi, who was the former Central Political and Legal Committee of Guangxi.

After Guo Shengkong left Guangxi in 2012 and entered Beijing as the Minister of Public Security, Hu Minglang was transferred to Beijing two years later from Nanning City, Guangxi.

Guo Shengzhang and Hu Minglang left the Ministry of Public Security in the same year in the same year in 2017, and served as the Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee and the Director of the Public Security Department of Shaanxi Province.

In 2017, Chongqing continued to be tangled by the Bo King's incident, and was severely criticized by the Central Inspection Team.

After Chen Miner entered the Chongqing master in July of that year, Chongqing has vigorously promoted the "toxic operation" for several years.However, the officialdom of Shancheng still reproduced the shock in mid -2020. Deng Huilin fell off the horse in a sunny day, becoming the "first tiger" of Chongqing after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017, and interfered with Chen Minle's "toxic" progress.

Three months later, Hu Minglang entered the Chongqing from southwestern Shaanxi, filling the vacancies left by Deng Huilin.

Although Hu Minglang has not had a high volume in Chongqing in recent years, he has made certain performance in clearing the poisonous king Sun Deng's poisonous poison and the "scraping poison" of the political and legal public security system.

In the first year of Hu Minglang Lai and Chongqing, Chen Miner's drug operation in Chongqing was praised by the Central Inspection Team and the Central Supervision Group in February and July of 2021, respectively.Wang Sun was poisoned, and the education of the political and legal teams achieved obvious results in rectification, and the city's political ecology continued to improve.

It is not difficult to imagine that Hu Minglang will inevitably increase the internal outline after the Municipal Public Security Bureau is in charge of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. At the same time, it has stepped up with the municipal party committee led by Chen Miner to make the mountain city's political and legal bureau danger.The central government sent the agency to praise Chongqing, and believes that it is also an affirmation of Hu Minglang's ability and performance.

When the Chongqing Municipal Party Secretary Yuan Jiajun came out to build the new Chongqing slogan after coming to Chongqing, and continued to focus on the economy for more than a year, when it was declared to promote the poisoning, more situation no longer mentioned "Bo Wang Sun Deng", indicating 2017The continuous elimination of poisonous actions for the year has ended in essence.

The latest special personnel arrangements in the high level of the Police Community, which can be seen obviously.Zhang Anjiang, who has years of experience in economic science and technology development, has taken over the Municipal Public Security Bureau. It has become the first mountain city of "knife" without the background of public security and legal background in Chongqing. It is still Wang Lijun.

This shows that Chongqing's senior management is confident in political ecology, indicating that the police world has gone out of the shadow of Deng Huilin's dismissal, but also highlights that the current work is no longer about politics, but to revitalize the economy.

At the Ping An Chongqing Construction Conference who attended the "four sets of teams" in Shancheng on February 22, Yuan Jiajun scored a high score for Hu Minglang for the last year in Chongqing."The report", the political loyalty is more firm, the political security barrier continues to build, the overall social situation continues to maintain stability, and the escorting economic and social development is strong and effective.

But Yuan Jiajun also pointed out that digital empowerment must be strengthened to allow Ping'an Chongqing to build "smarter, smarter, and more refined."He also put forward new requirements, saying that the construction of Ping'an Chongqing must achieve greater results in giving play to the role of the rule of law, ensuring breakthroughs in reform of key areas, optimizing the business environment, and better service to ensure the high -quality development of economy and society.

When the priority of Chongqing's senior management is clearer, whether the public security political and legal system can better escort the next stage of economic development and construction, it is believed that it will be a major challenge that the Shancheng knife will face it.After the Chongqing Police Community has turned a page, it has entered a new stage full of unknown.