The news on Saturday (February 10), the Public Security Department of the Inner Mongolia of China, Niu Fangze has served as a member of the Party Committee of the Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia and the principals of the Public Security Bureau of Hohhot City.

According to the official WeChat public account of the Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, "Ping An Inner Mongolia" news, Zheng Guangzhuang, vice chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, secretary of the Party Committee of the Public Security Department, and director of the Public Security Department, hosted a video conference on public security organs in the district to dispatch the Spring Festival security and stability and stability.Work.The news mentioned that Hu Rong, a member of the party committee and deputy director of the department attended the dispatch meeting. Niu Fangze, a member of the party committee and the principals of the Public Security Bureau of Hohhot, attended the condolences.

The above news shows that Niu Fangze has served as a member of the Party Committee of the Public Security Department of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the principals of the Public Security Bureau of Hohhot City.

Niu Fangze has previously served as a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Justice Department of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Prison Administration of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Public information shows that Niu Fangze, 57, is a member of Weng Niuteqi, Inner Mongolia, a member of the Communist Party of China, and a graduate degree.He has served as secretary and director of Chifeng Judicial Bureau, deputy mayor of Bayannaoer City, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Deputy Mayor of Baotou City, Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, member of the Party Committee of the Department of Justice of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, deputy director and the Autonomous Region Prison Management BureauSecretary of the Party Committee and Director.

Li Jun, the former deputy mayor of Hohhot City and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, has been transferred to the Standing Committee of the Hohhot Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission in January this year.