
Comprehensive Xinjing Daily and Jimu News reported, the special film of the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Commission will not be able to quit -Guizhou Zhengfeng Sudu Episode Second Episode and insist on Wind Rotten on Friday (January 19)播出,剖析了黔东南州人大常委会原副主任毛有智案。

The procuratorate accused that from 2001 to 2022, Mao Youzhi used the convenience or authority of his position to help relevant units and individuals in terms of water conservancy project contracting and engineering funds.他人财物。公诉机关提请以受贿罪追究毛有智的刑事责任。

Mao Youzhi regretted his behavior in the special film. In addition to accepting bribes, he also engaged in formalism in the county when he was the first leader.Mao Youzhi said that he had built a "top -level work promotion group", and pulled all county leaders with departmental cadres, township party secretary and party and government leading cadres to the group.Where to work, I asked them to shoot the scenes of my work into the group and update them in real time.Some cadres reported that in order to train cadres' obedience, Mao Youzhi also implemented military management of cadres in the county and requested that all cadres under the age of 45 get up at 7 o'clock in the morning every day.政法队伍进行所谓的政法大阅兵。

In addition, Mao Youzhi also arranged for the County Cultural, Sports and Television Bureau to be equipped with integrated KTV equipment in his dormitory, and often asked his subordinates to accompany him to drink and sing.之后因嫌弃音响效果差,又安排人重置了一套。

The Beijing News commented that Mao Youzhi's final end showed that those leading cadres who had a little power to be willful, and sooner or later could not escape the sanctions of party discipline and state law.作为地方官员,唯有严守权力边界,杜绝滥权妄为,真正以民众利益为重,在各种工作场景中跟形式主义作风彻底切割,才对得起自己肩负的神圣职责,也才能真正造福一方百姓。