The latest episode of China's anti -corruption feature films disclosed the incident of six cadres in Qinghai Province at the party school of the Provincial Party Committee.

According to the China News Agency, the TV special film continues to promote the third episode to strengthen the third episode of strengthening Zhengfeng Ji Monday (January 8), and the former Secretary of the Communist Party of China of the Culture and Tourism Department of Qinghai Province, Director Wang Xuewen repented.

The special film disclosed that in December 2022, a serious violation of the spirit of the spirit of the eight central regulations occurred in Qinghai Province in December 2022.At that time, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China just closed for more than a month, and Qinghai Province held the main leading cadres of the party and government to study and implement the 20th spiritual training courses.Essence

The special film disclosed that the wine bureau occurred in Room 1218 of the student school of the Provincial Party School. The owner of the room was the then Secretary -General of the Qinghai Provincial Government.Participants are sometimes Li Qingchuan, secretary and director of the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, Wang Xuewen, secretary of the party group and director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Duojie, Secretary of the Haibei Tibetan Autonomous State Committee, Hong TaoTao Yongli, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Transportation Holding Group Co., Ltd..Dorje died after drinking.

Special films said that the six cadres have gradually developed from work to eat and drink together since 2011, and then form a relatively fixed small circle, which is convenient for each other's powers.

According to the survey, the members of this small circle used the power in their hands to ask each other and take their own needs.Recommend each other.

Dou Min, the staff of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, said that during the investigation and handling of the case, insisted on planning with the case and promoting the treatment, the same deployment, and promotingThe Commission carried out special education rectification in the province, and promoted the spirit of the eight central regulations to take root in the plateau land.