The former party committee member and deputy president of the Zhejiang Branch of China Agricultural Bank of China, Lu Xiaodong, was "double -opened" (expels the Communist Party of China and public office).

The official website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reported the above news on Wednesday (November 15).A few days ago, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Agricultural Bank of China and the Zhejiang Provincial Supervision Committee conducted a review and investigation of the issues of serious violations of disciplinary violations of Lu Xiaodong.

Reporting that Lu Xiaodong has long received management and service objects, gifts, consumer cards, use buses illegally, and borrow credit customer vehicles illegally to accept banquets and tourism activities that may affect fair execution of official duties. Public funds reimbursement personal expenses, Symbolic payment of labor services.

Notice also pointed out that Lu Xiaodong invested in the construction of real estate and request for the benefits of the credit customers, and engaged in profit -making activities in violation of regulations.He also uses the convenience of his position and the convenience of power or status to make a profit for others in terms of loan credit approval. He illegally receive huge property and is suspected of bribery crimes. In violation of the state regulations, loans have caused huge losses and suspected of issuing loan crimes illegally.

According to the notification, Lu Xiaodong constituted serious duties illegal and suspected of bribery, and issuing loan crimes illegally. The nature was serious and the impact was bad. He should be dealt with seriously.

Xinhua News Agency reported in May this year that Lu Xiaodong took the initiative to invest in the case for serious violations of discipline and law.

According to the China report, according to public news reports and Tianyan check apps, Lu Xiaodong has worked in branches in many places in Agricultural Bank of Agricultural Bank for many years.He served as the president of the Yongkang Sub -branch of Zhejiang Branch in 2010, since June 2015 as the president of the Jinhua Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, and the chairman of Zhejiang Yongkang Agricultural Bank of China Village Bank since May 2016.According to the official website of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, in April 2021, the qualifications of Lu Xiaodong's deputy president of Zhejiang Branch and the president of Hangzhou Branch were approved.

China ’s financial anti -corruption continues to deepen. Surging News reported on Monday (November 13) that statistics were reported that as of Sunday (November 12), the website of the National Commission for Discipline Inspection disclosed a total of 87 financial system cadres.check.