(Washington Composite Electric) Tiktok and its Chinese parent company's byte beating in the United States requested the federal court to overthrow Tiktok's "ban" law without selling.This means that the byte beating has no intention to follow the new law to find American buyers for TIKTOK, and in the court, it triggered a struggle between freedom of freedom and national security interests.

TIKTOK and byte beating on Tuesday (May 7) submitted a complaint to the Court of Appeal Court of Appeals in the Columbia Special Administrative Region, stating that the US Congress had previously stripped with TIKTOK and the parent company, otherwise the laws that were banned in the United States would violate various aspects of violationThe United States Constitution, including the protection of freedom of speech in violation of the first amendment.

The complaint said: "Congress has always promulgated a law for the first time to implement a permanent national ban on a single and designated speech platform."

The complaint says that the peeling is impossible."It is impossible for business, technical, and legal ... There is no doubt that this will force TIKTOK to close before January 19, 2025." This allows you to use this platform to communicate without copying this communication method elsewhere elsewhere elsewhere.170 million Americans whispered.

US President Bayeng's legal regulations signed on April 24th that byte beating must be sold at the latest on January 19 next year, otherwise this application will be removed from all US app stores and will be removed from all US app stores and will be by the country.Internet service providers blocked.However, if the transaction is progressing, the president can extend the time limit for 90 days.

The White House said that because of national security considerations, I hope to see Tiktok cut with Chinese parent companies, but do not want Tiktok.The White House and the Ministry of Justice refused to comment on the latest lawsuits.

The two -party member of the United States Congress has passed this law because of worrying that the Beijing government can query Americans's data or monitor them through Tiktok.Tiktok has denied that it may provide US user information to Beijing, and accusing US members of the complaints accusing US members of legislation based on "speculation".

The complaint up to 67 pages in length said: "If Congress can do this, it can bypass the first amendment on the grounds of national security, or order any individual report ?? Paper or website publisher sells off for sale., To avoid being closed.

Experts said that the lawsuit indicates that byte beating has no intention of looking for buyers for Tiktok, but hopes that the court will announce the law that is unconstitutional.

Qi Ke, a professor of Constitution of William Mary Law School, said: "If this law is regarded as an effective ban on TIKTOK, it will be quite questioned in court."

The United States may face hard battles in court because the Bayeng government may be forced to disclose confidential or sensitive information publicly to illustrate why this law is reasonable and necessary.

Qike said: "In political debate, Congress claims that China has obtained user data to threaten national security interests. However, in court, the government must provide evidence to prove that these concerns are real, not guess. It must explain why why it is explained why it is explained.There is no alternative solution to less speech restrictions to solve the concerns it claims. "

Tiktok has previously linked the ban on banning of the US government with the argument of free speech.In November last year, Tiktok and some American users sued the Montana government to issue a ban on Tiktok on the grounds of violating the first amendment. As a result, a federal judge prevented Montana from imposing the ban.

The U.S. government ordered Tiktok to be sold to American companies.Former US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said on Tuesday that he still intentionally bought Tiktok from the byte beating.For the Chinese government has stated that the export license that will not issue algorithms, he believes that TIKTOK's key video recommendation technology can be copied.