(Rio de Janeiro Composite Electricity) The Government State of the 20th Group of 20 believes that the two countries' plans are the only way to resolve the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Viela on Thursday (February 22) said at the closing ceremony of the 20th G20 Foreign Minister's meeting that almost all G20 member states could spread to the Gaza War and the conflict may spread in the Middle East.Worry.

He said that some participants called for Harbin to stop and allow humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip. "Many" countries also criticized Israel to launch a military attack on the Lafaya in the southern city of Gaza.

Boorel, a senior representative of the EU Foreign and Security Policy, revealed to the media earlier that he asked Verara to "explain to the world" when he issued a closing statement. Everyone at the G20 meeting supported the two countries."Everyone's consensus is that unless the Palestinians have a clear political prospect of establishing their own country, Israel will not enjoy peace and will not have continuous security."

Brazil is the chairman of this year's G20 round.A source of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed that Viera did not use the term "consistent support" in the closing statement because not all participants spoke for this subject.

The United States also called for "seeking a solid way to establish a Palestinian country."

State Secretary of State Bringson said at a press conference after the meeting that the end of the conflict is the common goal of everyone, and the United States is helping Israel and Hamas to reach a hostage agreement."We are trying to reach an agreement densely, fight for (Hamas) to release hostages, and to fight for humanitarian fire."

The United States once again rejected a resolution on the conflict of the Gaza in the United Nations Security Council. The international community was disappointed and dissatisfied with the United States' continuous support for Israel.

In this regard, Brinken said to the media on Thursday: "Everyone's strategy may have differences, and there may be differences in resolutions of the Security Council, but we are trying to focus on the actual results."

The right -wing co -government led by the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu has always opposed the founding of the Palestinian State.Although the United States believes that the plans of the two countries are the only feasible ways to obtain long -lasting peace between Pakistan, they generally oppose that Israel's generally request Israel's "immediately ceasefire".

Nei Tanahu officially proposed the after -war after the war

At the same time, Neutanahu officially proposed the Gaza post -war plan on Thursday, and the proposal has been handed over to the Israeli security cabinet.

According to the proposal, the Gaza will be managed by Palestine local officials who have nothing to do with Hamas or their supporters.The Israeli Army will continue to advance its military operations in Gaza, until all goals, including the threat of eliminating the threat of Hamas and Lebanon, and the hostages that rescue them.

Israel will maintain control of all the sea, land and air fields west of the Jordan River, including the west bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip to prevent the terrorist forces of these areas from rising.

Another important point in the plan is to dissolve the UN Palestinian Real Estate Relief and Engineering Office (UNRWA).Israel accused some staff from the United Nations agencies participating in Hamas's big attack on Israel on October 7 last year.

As for the long -term goal, Neitahu shows that it opposes any unilateral recognition of Palestine.He said that only through direct negotiations can reach a solution with Palestine; but he did not explain who should negotiate on behalf of Pakistan.

According to the Israeli media, the Israeli delegation will go to Paris, France to participate in a ceasefire negotiations in the United States, Qatar, and Egypt.

It is reported that the Fang was involved in the negotiations by the Intelligence Director of the Intelligence Director. The other participants were Bernes, the director of the United States CIA, Prime Minister Qatar, and the director of the Egyptian Intelligence Administration Karle.

Hamas leader Hania is still in Egypt this week.Two weeks ago, Neitanahu declined the ceasefire conditions proposed by Hamas, resulting in interruption of negotiations.