(Madrid French New Electric) The Spanish Intelligence Agency reported that Russian killer killed a Russian deserter in Spain last week.

The General Administration of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confirmed earlier this week that Maxim Kuzminov, a 33 -year -old Russia, was murdered in Alleyan province in southern Spain.The Spanish National News reported on Thursday (February 22) that the Spanish intelligence department believes that the Kremlin is a black hand behind the scenes.

On February 13, Spain officially found Kuzminov's body in a underground garage in Homosa, Bilia, and he was six shots in him.According to sources, what is not yet determined is whether the main envoys behind the scenes are Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency, the Russian Federal Security Agency, or the General Staff of the General Staff of the Russian Federal Armed Forces.

The Russian Intelligence Agency welcomed the news of Kuzminov before, but did not confirm or deny that Moscow was related to the matter.

Reports quoted sources that it is very difficult to obtain crimes, but if Moscow does participate in it, Spain will make a strong response.

Intelligence officials said that the shooting of the shot happened in a local area with a large Russian population. Several killers fired six shots to Kuzminov, hit him with Kuzminov's car, and fled from Spain.

Kuzminov drove Mi -8 helicopter in August last year to enter Ukraine. Kiev spent half a year to plan his escape.