(Washington Composite Electric) US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that the United States needs a second chip bill to regain global leadership in the semiconductor field and meet the needs of artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

Raymond's online event in Intel, a US chip maker, said: "If we want to lead the world, we must continue to invest.(Chips two) or other names.

Raymond pointed out that the computing demand in the field of artificial intelligence is very large. When the industry leader talked with her, the number of chip requirements given by her is "incredible."

The chip bill issued in 2022 provides tens of billions of dollars of funds for the development, production and labor development of the US semiconductor industry. So far, three chip manufacturers have received subsidies.

Raymondo shows that the United States does not seek to produce all chips in China, which is an unrealistic goal."But we really have to make the semiconductor supply chain diversify, and at the same time increase the manufacturing in the United States, especially the manufacturing of cutting -edge chips, which is important for AI development."

Mastering cutting -edge chip technology and related supply chains is a large focus of the Sino -US scientific and technological warfare. Raymond's statement shows that the competition between China and the United States in this area will only become more and more intense.

Kangda: China's initiative departs the principle of international system

The State Council East Asia and Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Kangda said on the same day to attend the Washington Think Tank's Atlantic Council. Although China benefits from the stability and opportunities provided by international order, it is often trying to destroy instead of strengthening these principles.

Kangda pointed out that China promotes illegal maritime propositions in the South China Sea, threatening peace and security, navigation and business freedom, in the economic field to implement trade restrictions on countries that do not meet the sovereignty of Beijing, and destroy the United States in the United StatesThe backyard, the implementation of multinational targets, these are the behaviors that destroy international order."In the past ten years, China has become more autocracy internally and more aggressive to the outside world."

He believes that several initiatives proposed by China in the past three years are its strategic guidance principles of alternative global governance vision, and the Belt and Road Initiative is a platform for implementing these initiatives, but these initiatives have departed from the core principles of the current international system.Essence

Kangda said: "(China) Global Security initiative puts the security interests of great powers above the small country, thereby violating the UN Charter and causing the collective defense rights given by the United Nations Charter to lose its legitimacy.Human rights redefine the privileges enjoyed by Westerners, rather than the inherent and universal rights enjoyed by everyone.

Kangda said that due to the different vision of the world's development, fierce strategic competition is one aspect of the relationship between the two countries, but at the same time, the United States is also committed to managing this competition responsible to avoid being misjudgment and conflict.And always willing to cooperate with China when the interests are consistent.

He reiterated that the United States does not want countries to be forced to make choices between the United States and China. "But we want to help ensure that they have choices and make decisions without coercion."