Brazilian President Lula Sunday (February 18) accused Israel of implementing racial extinction on the Palestinians in the Gasha Strip and comparing Israel's actions with Hitler's exterior Jewish actions.

According to Agence France -Presse, Lala Sunday told reporters when he attended the African Union Summit at the African Union Summit at the African League summit at the Gagsa Strip in the Gagsa.

He added: "This is not the war of soldiers against soldiers. This is the war that is fully prepared for women and children.

"The Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip have been encountered in history. In fact, it happened, when Hitler decided to slaughter the Jews."

This is the strictest accusation for Israel so far.Lula is one of the global southern leaders who dare to speak. Brazil is the rotating chairman of the G20 (G20) of the 20th Group this year.

On October 7 last year, Hamas raid Israel, and Lulas condemned Hamas's action as "terrorism"; after that, he repeatedly criticized Israel's military revenge.