(Washington News) Sources revealed that Russia is trying to develop space nuclear weapons that can cause a large number of commercial and government satellites to be paralyzed by the huge energy waves during explosion, and then interfere with communication services dependent on satellites, such as mobile phone calls and mobile phone calls andBrowse the Internet and so on.

A report from the United States CNN (CNN) pointed out that military space experts generally call this new type of weapon "Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), which produces electromagnetic pulse and a large number of high -charged particles energy.Cross the space and interfere with the satellites around the earth.

A US official said that this is not a new concept, but from the Cold War period. What is worrying is that this new type of weapon may make a large number of satellites lose functions, which in turn forms a thunder area, resulting in a large area of ​​orbit cannot be inaccessibleUse, and this may endanger the new satellite that is sent to the sky to replace or repair existing satellites.

It is unclear whether EMP can crack down on global positioning systems and nuclear command and control satellites. The running track of such large satellites is higher than that of commercial and government satellites. According to design, they can resist the nuclear explosion.However, a former senior space official in the Pentagon said that large satellites may not be able to withstand nuclear explosions. This depends on how long they have been put into use, more than EMP, and how strong the power of the explosion is.

The US Department of Defense and intelligence agencies have been supervising the progress of Russia's development of anti -satellite weapons for many years.

The White House confirmed on Thursday (15th) that information shows that Russia is developing a "uneasy" space anti -satellite weapon.However, the US official has not specifically explained the role of weapons. It only said that the weapon is still in the research and development stage and has not yet entered the track. However, once it is used, it may cause great interference to people's daily lives in an unpredictable way.

Experts say that this weapon may be enough to destroy a large -scale satellite constellation composed of small satellites, such as the "Starlink" system developed by the American Space Exploration Technology Company (SpaceX).Ukraine currently uses the "Star Chain" system to fight against the Russian army on the battlefield.

U.S. officials and other sources believe that Russia will use EMP almost in the end, because this weapon not only destroys enemy satellites, but also Russian satellites in the same area will also be fascinated by ponds.