Israeli Prime Minister Neitanhu, regardless of domestic and foreign pressures and the safety of millions of people in southern Gaza, at all costs to eliminate Hamas.From the outside world, this is the "crazy" move that is almost hazardous. Experts and scholars interviewed believe that resorting to the complicated problems of Israel and Palestine can only be solved at all, and it will only allow Israel to be further isolated internationally, and the long -term damage to the country will damage the country.More, it will eventually lose money.

Senior Researcher Duoxi, a senior researcher at the Rajernan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Neutana Cabinet set three goals on the Harbin War: release hostages, destroy Hamas, re -control controlGama area."But it has been more than four months since the beginning of the war, and only the hostage has been released, and it is not successful in military. Strictly speaking, there is no real achievement. If the situation continues, Neitana's cabinet will disintegrate, The support rate of the people will decline, and the political future of Neutana will also end. "

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Senior Researcher Doisi, a senior researcher at the Nanda Razel South International Research Institute, said that Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu regards all resort to force, which will only damage Israel's international image and eventually injure Israel more injuries moreHeavy.(Provided by the respondent)

Doroxi said that Neitana Cabinet will definitely continue to fight to the end. Hamas will open the conditions for the end of the hostage in exchange for the end of the war, and Israel will definitely not accept it.However, in this way, "in the short term or long -term, it will seriously damage Israel's international image and cause Israel to lose the moral height. In the end, Israel will eat its own fruit and hurt yourself more."

Duoxi pointed out that it is a bad choice in front of Israel.Even if Israel regains Gaza again, it is also a disaster for Israel to re -control this land that has been fired and stumped."What's more, countries around the world are unwilling to see Israel regain Gaza. If Hamas can reverse the war situation and even re -control Gaza, then Israel must be the loser of this war."

Recently, a large number of people in Gaza have continued to escape from the south, and Rafa, which is adjacent to the Egyptian border, has gathered as many as 1.4 million people.The international community is worried that once the military attacks are fully attacked, it will have an imaginative humanitarian disaster, but Israel still does not hesitate to attack La Fa.Some analysts said that Neihuahu was making a political gambling.

Liu Lanchang, director of the Institute of Viewing Institute of Hong Kong, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency that Nei Tanahu completely bet on the results of the elimination of Hamas. Once the fire was stopped, domestic contradictions will be upgraded to the main contradiction.Ahu will face the crisis of steps down.Therefore, offensive Lafa is the "last battle" of Neitanahu, so as to obtain the results of the war to keep his personal status.He believes that Negato's gambling will definitely fail.

Dr. Mustafa, a researcher at the National University of Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that as long as Nei Tanahu is lonely and adheres to the current military action policy, Israel will lose more and more international public opinion support and be regarded as it is considered to be regarded as it is regarded as it is regarded as it and is considered to be regarded as it.Pure crazy behavior finally became an isolated rogue country.

Dr. Mustafa, a researcher at the National University, said that the only feasible thing in Neutanahu was to solve the problem once and for all in accordance with the guidance of the UN resolution.(Provided by the respondent)

Mustaha said: "As long as the Pakistani conflict is not resolved, no matter what Neutanhahu does, he cannot completely eliminate Hamas. If he wants to get rid of Hamas, the only way is to followThe guidance of the United Nations decision with Pakistan to resolve the problem by continuous negotiations once and for all. "

In addition, Israel ’s offensive against Hamas in the south of Gaza is likely to destroy peace with neighboring Egypt.Egypt is worried that Israel's attack on Rafa will force a large number of Palestinian people to cross the border and flee to the Sinai Peninsula. In this way, it will bring unnecessary trouble to Egypt.

A senior Egyptian officer who participated in Egypt's coordination revealed that Egypt had informed Israel that before launching any ground offensive against La Fa, the Fang must allow the Palestinian to return to northern Gaza.

Analysis, Israel faces the dilemma. If it stops the offense without winning the pull method, it will not achieve the primary war goal of eliminating Hamas.If the army advances to the border, it will destroy a peace agreement with Egypt and may annoyed its closest allies in the United States.

Today, Neitanahu is also facing "backyard fire".The Israeli media reported that Neutanahu did not seek opinions from all parties, and decided not to participate in the further hostage negotiations of Cairo without authorization, and angrily angered the Cabinet Minister Gandz and other hostages and family members.The family representatives issued a statement saying that they were shocked by the obstruction of hostage negotiations, saying that the decision was equivalent to the death penalty of the hostage, implying that Neiahhu did not hesitate to sacrifice the hostages for their own interests.