(Washington / Munich Composite Electric) The United States pushed Israel to stop the fire when Gaga stopped, but may continue to provide weapons for Israel.According to the latest report, the Biden government is preparing to provide Israel with a bomb and other weapons worth tens of millions of dollars.

The Wall Street Journal on Friday (February 16) quoted the current US and former officials reported that the latest military sales plan includes the Mark 82 bomb and KMU-572 joint direct attack ammunition (JDAM).JDAM is a type of airdrop bomb accessories that can improve the accuracy of weapons on the traditional bomb, especially in bad weather.

One of the current officials interviewed revealed that the Biden government was also conducting internal review of the military sales plan and also had to be approved by Congress.In response to relevant reports, neither the US State Department and the Ministry of Defense, the Israeli military and the Ministry of Defense have not commented.

The Bayeng government has twice the Congress review twice in December last year, selling weapons to Israel on the 9th and 29th, including 155mm artillery shells and 120 mm tank shells, and the total military sales exceeded 200 million times.$ 50 million (about S $ 337 million).The United States has been criticized by the international community for constantly providing weapons to Israel. More and more accusations have accused the US -made weapons for attacks, causing innocent civilian casualties.

Bayeng on Friday shows that he has spent many long time with Israel's Prime Minister Neyhho in the past few days, asking the other party to perform temporary ceasefire in Gaza to rescue the hostages.

Bayeng said to reporters in the White House: "In the past few days, I had a wide range of conversations with the Israeli Prime Minister. Each time I called almost an hour. I have shown my position. I feel very strong.Prisoner, release hostages "

The White House also said that the day before, Bayeng told Neutana that if there was no reliable and feasible plan enough to ensure the safety of Gaza civilians, Israel should not take military operations in Lafa, which is currently highly concentrated in the Palestinians.

It is still unknown when the Harbon battle has disappeared. Representatives from the United States, Arabia and Europe have discussed in Munich, Germany to formulate the after -war after the war.The US Secretary of State Broskere and Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Germany, Britain, France, and Italy all attended the Friday meeting.

Senior U.S. officials revealed that the topics discussed in the conference include post -war Gama, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and Israel more widely integrated into the Middle East and security guarantees, and reforming Palestinian power institutions.

Brinken said at the 60th Munich Security Conference on Saturday that the Arab country is willing to achieve normalization with Israel. In the next few months, Israel will have a "excellent opportunity" that integrates into the Middle East.

Brintken reiterated that the current "urgent" needs to promote the establishment of the Palestinian country, which can ensure the safety of Israel.

French President Macron stated that if the two countries in Pakistan are in a deadlock because of Israel's opposition, France will recognize Palestine.

He said at a joint press conference held in Paris and King Abdullav II of Jordan on Friday: "Our partners in the Middle East, especially Jordan, are working hard for this and we are working with them.Contributions to this, in Europe and the United Nations Security Council.

Macron's remarks are considered pressure on Israel, and also highlights the continuous increase of western leaders' casualties caused by the conflict of Harbin and gradually losing patience.

British Foreign Minister Cameron also stated earlier this month that Britain will always recognize Palestine one day.

Nei Tanahu resolutely opposed the establishment of Palestine.It is generally believed that if there is no real negotiation, France unilaterally acknowledge that Palestinian countries have nothing to do with the status quo and can only have symbolic and diplomatic impacts.