(Washington Composite Electric) The United States said that the international court's decision on the Harbin War is consistent with the view of Washington, that is, Israel has the right to take action on Hamas based on international law to ensure that the attack on October 7 last year will not repeat itself.Essence

The US State Department spokesman said on Friday (January 26): "The United States still believes that the allegations of Israel's ethnic extinction are unique. The International Court did not concluded the racial extinction, nor did they appeal to the ruling.The ceasefire is required to release all hostages unconditionally immediately. "

South African President Rama Puta welcomes the ruling. He hopes that Israel can abide by the ruling and also hope that this can promote the new diplomatic efforts to end the war.

Many Arab countries and European countries also welcomes the ruling of the international courts and urges Israel to respect the ruling.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar described this as a victory of the world and international justice, and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that Israel is essential.Saudi Arabia calls on the international community to account for accountability for Israel's violations of international law.

The International Court of the Hague made a ruling that Israel would prevent Gaza from being ethnic and allowed to easily enter Gasha, but the request of South Africa that should not be filed by the lawsuit was not allowed to stop the fire immediately.

The UN Security Council ’s rotating chairman country, Algeria, announced on Friday that the Security Council will meet next Wednesday (January 31) to discuss the international court's ruling.

Most Palestinians are disappointed with the international court's no order to stop Israel's ceasefire. After a Palestinian Sabana who lives on the west bank of the Jordan River, after learning the ruling, "we think that in addition to Israel's lethal help to enter Gasha, the court should also be clearRequirement of fire " Achie (42 years old), the people in Lathar, southern Gaza, believes that this is the first time that the world has told Israel that what it has done has surpassed all boundaries and international law.Because of the Harbin War, Yasin was forced to escape from the northern part of Gaza to the city of Lafa. He said: "At least I think the world has begun to sympathize with us. Our blood, our martyrs, and our physical and mental losses are not in vain."

The United States has stepped up to discuss the ceasefire plan with the Middle East country

On the other hand, the United States continues to start diplomatic efforts.President Biden called Qatar Emil Tamim and Egyptian President Cecil, respectively to discuss the issue of the Harbin War.

The White House said that Biden and Tamim agreed to ensure that Hamas's release of hostages is the key to achieving a longer shutdown war.Since the outbreak of the war, Qatar has played an important role in promoting the release of hostages; Biden discussed with Cecil how to increase humanitarian assistance to Gaza and agree to continue to cooperate closely in this regard.

The US media disclosed that the director of the Central Intelligence Agency Burns will meet in Paris in Paris in Paris, and Mohammed, the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kattel, to seek solutions for the ceasefire in Gaza.

A source quoted by Agence France -Presse confirmed that Bayndon sent Bernes to Paris to discuss with Haha to reach a new hostage agreement.

However, analysts believe that although the United States has increased diplomatic efforts, it is not easy to seek solutions for the decades of grudges.Doisi, a senior researcher at the Nanyang University of Technology Rajernan International Research Institute in Singapore, told AFP that the key to the problem lies in political will.He said: "There is only one country that can affect Israel, that is, the United States." However, the United States now only focuses on the number of air strikes and the opening of humanitarian aid these 'tactical issues', and has not touched the fundamental issue of Israel and Palestine.

The Director of the Middle East Research Department of the University of London's Asia -African College, Hatib, pointed out that in addition to Qatar and Egypt, Jordan, UAE and Saudi Arabia can also play a key role in promoting the efforts of peace agreements.She said: "If these countries can coordinate and consistent, they will have a more opportunity to achieve the result of the benefits to all parties, that is, let them help them to advance the Pakistani process, and at the same time strategically join forces to fight against Iran."